Repository for the SoSe21 DSP Project: LEO-CDN

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Repository for the SoSe21 DSP Project: LEO-CDN


  • Emil Balitzki
  • Jonas Bernhard
  • Abbas Fakhir
  • Huy Viet Nguyen
  • András Temesi
  • Marek Wallich
  • Hoang Mi Pham

Requirements and setup

  1. Setup Ubuntu 20.04.3
  2. Install Docker 20.10.8 and docker-compose (Follow https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/ and sudo apt-get install docker-compose).
  3. Install Python 3.8 (sudo apt-get install python3.8, sudo apt-get install python3-pip).
  4. Install GNU Make 4.2.1 (sudo apt-get install build-essential).
  5. Install Git and clone this repository together with its submodules (sudo apt-get install git, git clone https://github.com/Corgam/LEO-CDN, git submodule init, and git submodule update). The FReD submodule should be cloned from jb/add-disable-rbac-option branch (cd FReD/ and git reset --hard origin/jb/add-disable-rbac-option).
  6. Run pip3 install -r requirements.txt.

Run Simulation

  1. (Optional) Customize the config file.
  2. Generate the workload python3 generate_workload.py.
  3. Run python3 generator.py command.
  4. Run sudo make coordinator command.
  5. Run sudo make satellites command.
  6. Run sudo make gsts command.

The coordinator, satellites and gsts need to be executed in different terminals.


Generates certificates and a .yml file for each satellite. Creates a Makefile and then runs docker-compose to start all storage, FReD and HTTP-server nodes automatically. Furthermore, creates all necessary files to run the project.

Ground Stations

Reads the list of groundstations from temp/filename.txt (specified in the Config file) and creates a thread for each of them. Groundstation will send n amount of requests (specified in the Config file) in an async fashion to the best satellite (received from the Coordinator).



