
A disconnected chat window to accompany the minecraft client

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Chatlauncher is a simple disconnected chat window for minecraft. It taps into the stido out stream of minecraft and displays the chat in a window you can place wherever you want, so you can see what people are saying, scroll through, copy text, and play without having to deal with the in game chat It also automaticly gives everyone's name a random color, to amke them easier to recognize in a glance

To use, close minecraft, put ChatLauncher and CLHelper in the minecraft folder, and run ChatLauncher


Update! You may now restart chatlauncher without restarting minecraft (still need to start minecraft with it though) Colored names :D larger text

Now it has 2 exe's: Chatlauncher and CLHelper. The helper reads the minecraft console and pass it to ChatLauncher which makes the window and does the other stuff Why? This way the CLHelper can continue running until minecraft closes, and you can restart the chat if you close it without needing to restart minecraft, as logn as CLHelper is running.

todo: Find a way to tap into the STDout stream without needing to restart minecraft, so CLHelper is no needed.