
Primary LanguageHTML


Datadump prints images, plots, values and instances of structs directly to the browser. Datadump allows for quick prototyping of your application and a more advanced way to debug than the console.


  • draw images
  • graph circles, rectangles, points, polygons
  • draw an instance of a struct as a json string

Future features

  • plot geo coordinates on a map
  • audio support
  • plots with axis
  • 3d plots
  • graphs and tree visualization
  • support for cyclic types


This example output is a result of running the code in the usage section.


The api consists of 3 elements: a chan interface{} called datadump.C in which we sent the data to be shown in the browser, together with 2 functions datadump.Open(port string) and datadump.Close().

First we need to open a port to sent your data to.

defer datadump.Close()

Next we can sent stuff to the datadump.C channel to sent stuff to the browser.

// Print a string
datadump.Show("Hello World!")
// Pretty print the contents of a file struct
f, _ := os.Open("main.go")
// Show an Image (the mandelbrot image is defined in main/main.go)
datadump.Show(Mandelbrot{Width: 300, Height: 300})
// Plot a sin function
// xs and ys are of type []float64 and are defined in main/main.go
datadump.Show(map[string]interface{}{"connected": 0, "x": xs, "y": ys})
// Plot datapoints from data from the web. We open a json file 
// from the web and then transform it using jsonquery
                        Select(`{"pixel_loc_x":"", "pixel_loc_y":""}`).
                        Rename("pixel_loc_x", "x", "pixel_loc_y", "y")


You need the json2 package. The jsonquery is optional but synergizes well with this application, as shown in the example.

go get github.com/CorgiMan/datadump
go get github.com/CorgiMan/jsonquery
go get github.com/CorgiMan/json2

json2 is exactly the same as encoding/json but it also marshals unexported fields. This is used to pretty print any type as a json string.

jsonquery is used in the last example. It selects all the objects that match a given json string.

run the example with cd main and then go run main.go