A simple MVC structure with ExpressJS with features as autoload middleware and autoload routes. This boilerplate also contains the whole setup for MongoDB including example schemas and a model. There's also a scheduler to run specific tasks at certain times.
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/CorneHQ/ExpressMVC.git
Or download directly as a zip file
- Go to the directory of the project
- Run
to install the node modules - Copy the .env.example to .env with
cp .env.example .env
- Fill in the data of the .env file
- Start the server with
yarn serve
Command | Description |
yarn serve |
Starts the application with nodemon |
yarn prettier:fix |
Uses prettier to clean up the files (OVERWRITES THE FILES) |
yarn prettier:check |
Uses prettier to check which files needs to get clean up |