
Primary LanguageJavaScript

📘 Express with MVC structure boilerplate

A simple MVC structure with ExpressJS with features as autoload middleware and autoload routes. This boilerplate also contains the whole setup for MongoDB including example schemas and a model. There's also a scheduler to run specific tasks at certain times.

🔧 Getting started



Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/CorneHQ/ExpressMVC.git

Or download directly as a zip file

Installing the project

  1. Go to the directory of the project
  2. Run yarn to install the node modules
  3. Copy the .env.example to .env with cp .env.example .env
  4. Fill in the data of the .env file
  5. Start the server with yarn serve

🔥 Commands

Command Description
yarn serve Starts the application with nodemon
yarn prettier:fix Uses prettier to clean up the files (OVERWRITES THE FILES)
yarn prettier:check Uses prettier to check which files needs to get clean up