Simulation layer detached from world chunks and main server thread, for purpose of running simulations in and outside loaded chunk areas based on most recently cached world data. To include some features that uses this system, trees that grow over time, potential use of seasons, desire paths TODO: ===== design: ------- internal: - threading simulation - consider separating design up more so any tickable simulation feature can implement scheduled ticking and staggered chunk updating - scheduled ticking of simulation - staggered updating of data to chunk data -- need to maintain a list of chunks we need to keep track of, use this to decide how to propegate chunk updates - granular adjustments based on evaluated pc performance -- adjust based on loaded chunk count and pc performance - how to stagger reading of chunk data for simulation - solve chunk watching list and thread update queue for immidiate updates for thread to world at same time... tree: - study and migrate over old immediate vector tree child/parent node setup to new simulation system - figure out a data structure for creating tree profiles - how to support fruits and their stages seasons: - way to cache data for weathered elements in a chunk, eg trees, grass, snow addition and removal - other seasonal buildup like leaves based on wind direction and tree proximity, render similar to snow desire paths: - simulate restoration of path - move current code over to simulation system testing: -------- - find out average performance capability and work out a block update rate based on it - decide on target idea amount of players, 4? max handling of 10 before heavy degredation based on average pc? brain dump: =========== - when chunk loads we cant process right away, must push changes asyncronously - when threaded sim wants to push a change, if chunk is loaded, must push changes asyncronously - so when threaded sim does work, it should just push the change to a update queue - update queue handler determines if we can push change now or have to wait till chunk is loaded - need to work out a way to efficiently iterate list of potential updates based on loaded chunks we are watching
Minecraft Forge Mod - Testing out some ideas that might pave the way for some more reactive systems in minecraft worlds