Useful tool to help you fetch and dump Unreal Engine 4 Games information.
- 3
- 1
Dumping UWP Applications
#74 opened by k1osk - 0
Stack Overflow during package sort phase
#73 opened by samjsmart - 1
FText support
#72 opened by PieKing1215 - 6
Android / APK File
#68 opened by DemonRem - 0
Filling the json with game data help
#70 opened by DemonRem - 1
game using gameguard
#69 opened by DemonRem - 2
Infinity search
#67 opened by Xed0sS - 3
startup error
#64 opened by DemonRem - 1
no function dump
#66 opened by DemonRem - 4
Warning: Not Valid Process ID
#65 opened by Squidbillies - 14
SDK Generator fail
#44 opened by adspro15 - 6
Support Unicode Games
#50 opened by 2217936322 - 3
Wrong GNames address
#60 opened by Symbai - 2
Find Class & Generate Sdk Crash
#62 opened by RussellJerome - 1
- 5
Support UWP Games
#18 opened by scryptio - 5
Failed with gen sdk for Deadbydaylight
#59 opened by MuQoe - 0
Application crashing when searching for GNames
#61 opened by MixV2 - 1
NameDump is incomplete in some games.
#55 opened by songce74 - 2
Miss Names
#54 opened by pentium1131 - 1
Sorting is slow
#57 opened by whalleyboi - 1
UEnum looks bad?
#58 opened by TechXPlays - 1
"Not Valid Process ID. !!"
#52 opened - 1
A lot UnknownData
#53 opened by pentium1131 - 5
Crash on SaveStruct
#49 opened by fake-cheater - 1
Auto Init 'initSDK' function.
#37 opened - 6
Wrong indirection level in generated SDK
#46 opened by jwright4531 - 5
Crash on finding GNames
#45 opened by nReCon - 6
what is this
#43 opened by LeagueRaINi - 4
ProcessEvent got a exception
#40 opened - 5
Process Event
#29 opened - 3
GNames finder crashes instantly
#33 opened - 1
- 1
Some wrong stuff
#31 opened by johmarjac - 1
- 6
KurtzPel crashing the program
#26 opened by RekzaiSharp - 1
How i can use the generated SDK?
#15 opened - 4
following Gnames are invalid
#12 opened - 3
GNames are invalid
#11 opened