Track [X] Challenge [Y]



install renv:


Install/update dependencies


Adding new dependencies

  1. install package as usual (with install.packages)
  2. run renv::snapshot()
  3. commit and push the updated renv.lock

Access data

To access the data for this challenge, you first need to get secrets/passwords.

To get them, proceed as follows:

  1. Check the Slack channel for the "secret link" for your challenge
  2. We'll share the password to decrypt the message on-site
  3. Click on the link and enter the password to decrypt the message
  4. Follow the specific instructions for your data below.


To connect to the Supabase Postgres database, you need to store your credentials in the .Renviron file:

# set up passwords in .Renviron

Copy the content from the decrypted secret link. It should look something like this:

# logins for supabase

Restart your R session (Session -> Restart R Session or .rs.restartR())

Run code/00-setup-supabase.R


To access the data from Limesurvey, you need to:

  1. connect to the virtual machine/server that Limesurvey is running on. This you do using SSH.
  2. then you can connect to the SQL database where the data is stored

To do this, let's first store some information in the .Renviron file so that we don't accidentally commit secret information to GitHub:

# set up information in .Renviron

Copy the content from the decrypted secret link. It should look something like this:


Restart your R session (Session -> Restart R Session or .rs.restartR())

Now you have to create the SSH tunnel - don't worry if you don't know what this means. In essence, it allows us to a) connect from our laptop to the server and then b) use this connection to connect and interact with the Limesurvey database.

In the R console, run:

glue::glue("ssh -L localhost:5555: {ssh_user}@{ssh_ip}")

this builds a "tunnel" from your local machine on port 5555 to the port 3306 (the MySQL port) on the server. We can then use port 5555 on our machine to connect and communicate with MySQL.

MacOS/Linux/Windows with WSL or working SSH

If you have:

Copy the command to your terminal of choice and run it. You'll be prompted to enter a password which you can copy from the .Renviron file (LIMESURVEY_SSH_PASSWORD)

Once you have successfully opened the connection, run code/00-setup-limesurvey.R

⚠️ the SSH connection might close after a couple of minutes, so you might have to reconnect in the terminal.


If you have never worked with SSH before, ask Frie or one of the coaches about it. They'll have a look together with you.

Developer information

Just kept here for continuing after the hackathon :)

Definition of Done

Default Definition of Done can be found here. Adapt if needed.