
(Eyebeam #7 of 13) Implementation of the Lib-Ray spec for open HTML5-based video collections.

Primary LanguageHTML

Nick Fox-Gieg Animation

Creative Commons licenses:    
Videos -- CC BY-NC-SA (attribution, noncommercial, share alike)    
Code -- CC BY (attribution)    

This is a Lib-Ray video collection, based on the Lib-Ray standard created by
Terry Hancock. It's designed to present HD video at a quality comparable to
Blu-ray, in an open format that plays in any standards-based web browser.

 >>> Here are some things you should know about a Lib-Ray collection:

[+] To watch the videos, open the index.html file in any standards-based
    browser--that means Chrome, Firefox,  or Safari, but not Internet
    Explorer. For the best viewing experience, put the browser in fullscreen

[+] If you're not using a standards-based browser, or want to watch the
    collection using your own media player, the video files are all located in
    the "media" folder.

 >>> For more experienced users:

[+] Lib-Ray is constantly evolving. The source for this collection is at:

    ...and the Lib-Ray Project's main website is:    

[+] You can also use a Lib-Ray collection as a template to distribute your own
    videos, and add functionality using JavaScript frameworks. Some popular ones
    you might want to try experimenting with are:    jQuery -- http://jquery.com
    Processing.js -- http://processingjs.org    Popcorn -- http://popcornjs.org