
Metrics for Proxmox VE, Grafana with dasboard, InfluxDb

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This solutions consists of more parts (subdirectory src):

  • docker Docker compose with InfluxDb, Telegraf, Kapacitor, Cronograf, Grafana
  • scripts-hook Hook Script for send metrics to InfluxDB use protocol http (vzdump, cv4pve-autosnap)
  • telegraf-pve-node Documentation for setting telegraf inside node Proxmox VE

Dashboards for Grafana:

For more dashboards or metrics in cloud visit https://www.cv4pve-tools.com and see plans support.

    ______                _                      __
   / ____/___  __________(_)___ _   _____  _____/ /_
  / /   / __ \/ ___/ ___/ / __ \ | / / _ \/ ___/ __/
 / /___/ /_/ / /  (__  ) / / / / |/ /  __(__  ) /_
 \____/\____/_/  /____/_/_/ /_/|___/\___/____/\__/

Metrics for Proxmox VE                (Made in Italy)

Copyright and License

Copyright: Corsinvest Srl For licensing details please visit LICENSE.md

Commercial Support

This software is part of a suite of tools called cv4pve-tools. If you want commercial support, visit the site