- 2021-04-14: Forked repository.
- This code has been adapted from the original source code.
- Original code is provided by Larry Shupe.
- Associated original manuscript has been published on eNeuro.
- This README was adapted from the original
, with some modifications.
These MATLAB script
files that run simulations with different pre-configured parameters.
-- Run the base simulation without conditioning.spikenet_spike_trig.m
-- Configured for spike triggered conditioningspikenet_paired_pulse.m
-- Configured for paired pulse conditioningspikenet_cycle_trig.m
-- Configured for cycle triggered conditioningspikenet_tetanic.m
-- Configured for tetanic conditioningspikenet_emg_trig
-- Configured for EMG triggered conditioningspikenet_gamma_trig
-- Configured for gamma filtered LFP triggered conditioningspikenet_FICspike_trig.m
-- Configured for spike triggered conditioning with Fixed Intracolumn Connections (FIC).
-- Themex
function that runs the network in blocks of 10 secondsspikenet50mex.mexw64
-- Precompiled MATLABmex
function, which can be used to re-compilespikenet50mex.c
in case you are running a different OS or version of MATLAB.spikenet_wfig.m
-- Creates a weight figure from a simulation’s savedparam.mat
Once the simulation files have been installed, open MATLAB and change the current
directory to the folder containing these files (or add the files to the default MATLAB path
as described above).
- Run
.- This script will take up to an hour to run, but will update a graph for every 10 seconds of simulated time. This graph is used to monitor the progress of the simulation. It displays average activity of excitatory and output units for the 10 second time blocks for the current training period, averages of filtered local field potentials (LFP), and the current distribution of trainable connection strengths.
- These averages reset at the beginning of each of the four training
- No Conditioning,
- Preconditioning testing,
- Conditioning, and
- Post-Conditioning testing
- Connections between units are modified by the Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP) rule during the Preconditioning and Conditioning periods, but connection strengths are held static during the testing periods to build histograms and conduct tests.
All files ending in .fig
are MATLAB figure
files that can be opened directly in the MATLAB base workspace to reproduce the vectorized figures (and associated data).
Note: in each of the following filenames, (<n>
is the the simulation trial number for each 10 second block).
– The monitoring averages saved during the conditioning period.averages_nocond_<n>.fig
– The monitoring averages saved during the no-conditioning period.averages_pre_<n>.fig
– The monitoring averages saved during the pre-conditioning period.averages_post_<n>.fig
– The monitoring averages saved during the post-conditioning period.Cond_Trig_PSTH-<n>.fig
– Spike triggered averages and histograms aligned with conditioning triggers.emg_spike_response.fig
– Stimulus triggered averages of the simulated EMG.lfp_spike_response.fig
– Spike-triggered LFP averages.lfp_stim_response.fig
– Stimulus triggered LFP averages (used for A->B evoked potential changes).mean_Evoked_Potentials.fig
– Tracks MPI from the lfp_stim_response.fig when multiple repetitions through the training sequence are used (when p.ntrials_repeat > 1) output_spikes.mat – Contains spike times (in 0.1 ms time steps) for unit firings during the simulation.param.mat
– Contains a copy of the simulations parameters and resulting connection strengths.progress.txt
– A copy of the console output during the simulation.PSTH.fig
– Shows correlated activity between unit populationsRaster-<n>.fig
-- Contains a dot raster for 2 seconds of activity and power spectrums for LFP.weight_distribution.fig
– Distribution of weights between unit columns.- This is useful for checking the efficacy of any arbitrary conditioning method of interest in greater detail.
– Displays final connection strengths.- Use
on theparam.mat
file to plot a formatted graph with labels.
- Use
These files are primarily used for validation and checking consistency/reproducibility of the simulations that were conducted.
– Contains a copy of thefunction
that runs this simulation.- This is useful to validate/verify that the correct parameters were implemented for a given simulation iteration.
– contains a copy of themex
– Contains a copy of the compiledmex
- No Conditioning
- Spike-triggered Stimulation
- Paired-Pulse Stimulation
- Cycle-triggered Stimulation
- Tetanic Conditioning
- EMG-triggered Stimulation
- Gamma-triggered Stimulation
- Spike-triggered Stimulation (Fixed Inter-columnar Connections; FIC)
The base (non-conditioning) simulation provides information on network progression in the absence of any conditioning stimulus intervention. This can be used to see how much random variation there is by running the network for different periods of time or by using different initial conditions. The base simulation file spikenet_no_cond.m
contains a standard set of parameters. These parameters are used by the other simulations.
To trouble-shoot parameter configurations, start here!
back to list of stimulation methods
This conditioning method delivers a stimulus to units in Column B each time that the first excitatory unit in Column A (Ae1
) fires. After a given stimulus, any subsequent stimuli are "blanked" (do not occur) for the duration of the "blanking period" parameter. This prevents stimulus-locked feedback loops from occurring, which could be deleterious in vivo. Since the timing of the stimuli depend on detected activity in the network, this is referred to as a “closed loop” stimulation method.
% % % Key to running this simulation! % % %
p.conditioning_method = 1; % Selects spike triggered stimulation
% % Also important % %
p.stim_delay_ms = 10; % Millisecond delay between spike on Ae1 and
% stimulus on Column B.
p.stim_pulse_train = 1; % Can be 2 or 3 for stimulus trains of 2 or 3
% pulses per train.
p.stim_uV = 2000; % Size of conditioning stimulus
% (0 can be used as a sham stimulus)
p.stim_refractory_ms = 10; % Refractory period on delivered stimulation.
back to list of stimulation methods
This conditioning method delivers a stimulus to units in Column A followed by a delayed stimulus that is delivered to units of Column B. These stimuli are not tied to any activity in the network. This is therefore an “open loop” stimulation method (with respect to the "natural" activity of the network).
% % % Key to running this simulation! % % %
p.conditioning_method = 2; % Selects paired pulse stimulation
% % Also important % %
p.conditioning_secs = 7; % 1..10 to change number of paired pulses in each 10 second time block.
p.stim_delay_ms = 10; % Delay between the paired pulses
% Units: milliseconds
p.stim_pulse_train = 1; % Number of stimulus pulses per train.
% Although the blanking period "debounces" additional stimulus trains
% increasing this count greater than one will still deliver multiple
% stimuli each time a stimulus is "triggered."
p.stim_uV = 2000; % Size of conditioning stimulus (0 can be used as a sham stimulus)
% Units: micro-volts
p.pair_uV = 2000; % Size of the paired pulse simulation (the second pulse)
% Units: micro-volts
A "closed loop" conditioning method that detects oscillations in the spike rate of Column B in order to trigger a stimulus train targeting units in Column A.
% % % Key to running this simulation! % % %
p.conditioning_method = 3; % Selects cycle triggered stimulation
% % Also important % %
p.bias_modulation_rate_B = 20; % Cycles per second modulation rate on Column B. 0 = no modulation.
% Units: Hz
p.bias_modulation_amount = .2; % Size of modulation. 0.2 = +/- 20% of normal rate.
p.stim_pulse_train = 1; % Number of stimulus pulses per train.
% Although the blanking period "debounces" additional stimulus trains
% increasing this count greater than one will still deliver multiple
% stimuli each time a stimulus is "triggered."
p.stim_uV = 2000; % Size of conditioning stimulus (0 can be used as a sham stimulus)
% Units: micro-volts
back to list of stimulation methods
An open loop conditioning method that applies random stimulation on the units of a specific column. This is an important control for other stimulation methods, because it is completely "open loop" with respect to both network activity and any pairing of Column A with Column B (unlike occurs in Paired-Pulse Stimulation)
% % % Key to running this simulation! % % %
p.conditioning_method = 5; % Tetanic stimulation:
% 4 => Stimulation targets Column A units
% 5 => Stimulation targets Column B units
% 6 => Stimulation targets Column C units
% % Also important % %
p.tetanic_freq = 10; % Stimulation intensity (rate parameter).
% This sets the intensity of the exponentially distributed
% inter-stimulus intervals in the tetanic conditioning regime.
% Units: stimuli/sec
p.stim_refractory_ms = 10; % Refractory period.
% Sets the minimum number of milliseconds between tetanic stimuli.
% This effectively reduces the average rate of stimulation,
% since it prevents realization of a true exponential distribution.
% It is included to reproduce the tetanic stimulation refractory period
% from in vivo protocols, which is included as a
% precautionary safety measure.
% Units: milliseconds
p.stim_pulse_train = 1; % Number of stimulus pulses per train.
% Although the blanking period "debounces" additional stimulus trains
% increasing this count greater than one will still deliver multiple
% stimuli each time a stimulus is "triggered."
p.stim_uV = 2000; % Size of conditioning stimulus (0 can be used as a sham stimulus)
% Units: micro-volts
p.bias_modulation_amount = 0; % Normally 0. Can put a 0.2 to 0.4 step bias spike increase on Column B.
% Units: arbitrary (probability)
back to list of stimulation methods
A closed loop conditioning method that applies stimuli to units in Column B when the output of the transfer function relating activity of units in Column A to the generation of electromyographic signals in some target muscle(s) crosses a specified threshold.
p.conditioning_method = 7; % Select EMG triggered stimulation
p.lfp_detect_level = 1000; % EMG detection level
% Units: arbitrary (see transfer function for EMG output)
p.stim_delay_ms = 0; % Delay between EMG level detection and stimulation of Column B.
% (Note: The transfer function generating synthetic EMG signals
% intrinsically delays the output EMG by 10-ms due to the
% default synaptic delay parameters between Ae and Ao units)
% Units: milliseconds
p.stim_pulse_train = 1; % Number of stimulus pulses per train.
% Although the blanking period "debounces" additional stimulus trains
% increasing this count greater than one will still deliver multiple
% stimuli each time a stimulus is "triggered."
p.stim_uV = 2000; % Size of conditioning stimulus (0 can be used as a sham stimulus)
% Units: micro-volts
back to list of stimulation methods
A "closed loop" conditioning method that applies stimuli to units in Column B when the band-passed local field potential (LFP; generated via a transfer function relating the activity of units in Column A to a field potential source capable of generating a time-varying electrical field) crosses an arbitrary threshold.
% % % Key to running this simulation! % % %
p.conditioning_method = 8; % Select gamma triggered stimulation
% % Also important % %
p.stim_delay_ms = 0; % Millisecond delay between gamma threshold-level detection and
% stimulation delivery to Column B.
% (use value 8+ for rising level detection)
% Units: milliseconds
p.lfp_detect_level = -20000; % Filtered LFPA detection level (20000 for rising level, -20000 for falling)
p.gamma_band = [50 80]; % Bandwidth that selects for `gamma` from the broadband local field
% potential (LFP) signal. (As an example, [50 80] specifies cutoff
% frequencies of 50Hz and 80Hz for the bandpass filter).
% Units: Hz
p.stim_pulse_train = 1; % Number of stimulus pulses per train.
% Although the blanking period "debounces" additional stimulus trains
% increasing this count greater than one will still deliver multiple
% stimuli each time a stimulus is "triggered."
p.stim_uV = 2000; % Size of conditioning stimulus (0 can be used as a sham stimulus)
% Units: micro-volts
back to list of stimulation methods
Similar to normal spike-triggered conditioning ("closed loop"), except that fixed intercolumnar connections (FIC) are used in order to simulate the role of the correlated bias inputs to provide correlated activity within each column.
% % % Key to running this simulation! % % %
p.conditioning_type = 1; % Note: this is the same as the default "no conditioning" condition, but
% uses altered parameters.
% % Also important % %
p.bias_correlated_fraction = 0.0
p.initmin = 200; % Lower bound on initial PSP amplitude for any connections
p.initmax = 300; % Upper bound on initial PSP amplitude for any connections
p.epsp2excit_incol = [p.initmin p.initmax 1 0]; % EPSP for connections to excitatory units within a column
p.epsp2inhib_incol = [p.initmin p.initmax 1 0]; % EPSP for connections to inhibitory units within a column
p.ipsp2excit_incol = [-p.initmax -p.initmin 1 0]; % IPSP for connections to excitatory units within a column
p.ipsp2inhib_incol = [-p.initmax -p.initmin 1 0]; % IPSP for connections to inhibitory units within a column
p.stim_delay_ms = 10; % Delay between spike on Ae1 and stimulus on Column B.
% Units: milliseconds
p.stim_pulse_train = 1; % Number of stimulus pulses per train.
% Although the blanking period "debounces" additional stimulus trains
% increasing this count greater than one will still deliver multiple
% stimuli each time a stimulus is "triggered."
p.stim_uV = 2000; % Size of conditioning stimulus (0 can be used as a sham stimulus)
% Units: micro-volts
p.stim_refractory_ms = 10; % Refractory period on delivered stimulation.
% Units: milliseconds
back to list of stimulation methods
Most parameters are set within the first 200 lines of the main simulation script.
The following is a list of parameters that have not yet been described. Since they have been modified in previous simulations, it is likely that they will be altered again in future simulations.
The following parameters are used to control the length of each training phase. Larger values for p.ntrials_off
will allow the network to "settle" for longer during the pre-conditioning phase.
Note about initial phase (conditioning off) duration.
Larger values of p.ntrials_off
allow better convergence to "natural" synaptic connection values given the network topology. However, convergence comes at the expense of longer simulation times!
p.ntrials_off = 50; % Number of initial trials with conditioning off (STDP training on).
p.ntrials_on = 50; % Number of following trials with conditioning on (STDP training on).
p.ntrials_test = 50; % Number of trials for summary figures (both conditioning and STDP training off)
p.ntrials_repeat = 1; % Number of repetitions through the off/test/on/test cycle.
The firing threshold for units can be increased to lower overall firing rates, but must be balanced against the external bias input rates. The correlated external biases are only correlated within each individual column.
Increasing the correlated fraction will tend to increase firing rates and also improve conditioning effects that depend on intercolumn correlated activity such as spike-triggered stimulation.
Output units only receive uncorrelated bias spikes, the rate of which can be adjusted independently.
p.threshold = 5000; % Threshold for all cortical units.
% Units: micro-volts
p.bias_value = 350; % Strenth of bias potientials.
% Units: micro-volts
p.bias_rate = 1800; % Bias of each column unit.
% Consider smaller values if biases are modulated.
% Units: spikes/second
p.bias_correlated_fraction = .30; % Fraction of correlated bias spikes
p.correlated_bias_std_ms = 3; % Standard deviation of normally distributed (correlated) spiking bias.
% Units: milliseconds
p.out_bias_rate = 2000; % Uncorrelated bias spikes for output units.
% Units: spikes/second
The training rate and weakening factors can be altered to change the how fast connection strengths change. Decreasing the training_rate usually means the network will need to train longer, but if the value is too high then there will be more variability in weights and it may seem like the network doesn’t settle down. Increasing the weakening factor controls the effectiveness of the weakening side (negative post-presynaptic spike time differences) of the STDP curve relative to the strengthening side (positive post-presynaptic spike time differences).
Decreasing the weakening factor can increase the overall activity of the network, but at a certain point all weights will tend to increase to the maximum allowed value. Typically we want to have the weakening factor large enough to prevent that but not so large that connections in the network cannot be conditioned. This will also be affected by the shape of the curve which is controlled by fast and slow decay constants for both halves of the STDP function.
p.training_rate = 100; % Train rate factor for spike-timing-dependent plasticity.
% This factor accomodates both the strengthing (positive) and
% weakening (negative) sides of the SDTP rule,
% so it is always specified as a positive value.
p.train_weakening = 0.55; % Relative amplitude for the weakening side of the SDTP curve.
The network topology can be changed by altering the column connection definitions.
Initial weights are from a uniform distribution between a minimum and maximum value.
The connection probability for excitatory units is usually 1/6, but can be increased to provide increased network activity. Inhibitory connections are only within column and have a larger connection probability to help balance the number of inhibitory vs excitatory connections in the network.
The random seed allows the use of the same set of pseudo-random connections for many different simulations. The initial network configuration can have a significant effect on the outcome, so being able to reuse a network configuration is important. In practice, simulations should be run multiple times with different random seeds, then average together the results from those random seeds. However, for reproducibility, it is important to keep track of the random seeds that were used!
% Initial post-spike potential (PSP) ranges in uV.
p.initmin = 100; % Initial minimum PSP value (micro-volts)
p.initmax = 300; % Initial maximum PSP value (micro-volts)
% All array parameters follow the format:
% [microvolts_min microvolts_max probability_of_connection enable_training]
% EPSPs for connections to excitatory units within a column
p.epsp2excit_incol = [p.initmin p.initmax 1/6 1];
% EPSPs for connections to inhibitory units within a column
p.epsp2inhib_incol = [p.initmin p.initmax 1/6 1];
% EPSPs for connections to excitatory units in adjacent columns
p.epsp2excit_outcol = [p.initmin p.initmax 1/6 1];
% EPSPs for connections to inhibitory units in adjacent columns
p.epsp2inhib_outcol = [p.initmin p.initmax 1/6 1];
% IPSPs for connections to excitatory units within a column
p.ipsp2excit_incol = [-p.initmax -p.initmin 1/3 1];
% IPSPs for connections to inhibitory units within a column
p.ipsp2inhib_incol = [-p.initmax -p.initmin 1/3 1];
% EPSPs for connections to output units.
p.epsp2output_incol = [350 350 1/3 0];
% Note: These values are **not** usually trained.
% Negative connection chance is interpreted by the simulations as:
% > "Connect to the first p * N units."
% Therefore, it is a way to set a FIXED set of connections, rather than chance connections.
p.random_seed = 1; % Fixed random number seed.
% This allows us to use the same network
% topology (connections) for different conditioning methods.
% The random seed should be altered at different stages of the simulations,
% depending on which factors are important to test and where the variability arises.
Windows 10 (64-bit)
The source code for the integrate-and-fire (IF) neural network model is written in Matlab and C for the 64-bit version running under Windows 10.
Matlab (R2017a+)
The C code is written as a Matlab
function, which has been pre-compiled for current (R2017a+) 64-bit versions of Matlab for PC.
The base simulation file spikenet_no_cond.m
contains a standard set of parameters. These parameters are used by the other simulations. To trouble-shoot parameter configurations, start here!
For older versions of Matlab, or for other operating systems such as Mac OSX, it is necessary to re-compile the mex
file, which allows the code to run efficiently.
This can be accomplished by using the
command from within the MATLAB Command Window interface, specifying the correct C compiler.
Note: the system must have a valid compiler configured, which is then set up in MATLAB separately from the mex
command. For more information, please see the MATLAB mex
documentation, located here.
To install the source code, copy all files to a folder on the MATLAB
- This is usually the MATLAB folder within the user’s Documents folder (e.g.
on a PC).
(For beginners): MATLAB .m
files that are not part of an object-oriented structure are either script
files or function
Unlike MATLAB a
, a MATLABscript
does not require any input arguments and therefore can be treated like an executable program in MATLAB. -
To run a MATLAB
, type the name (without the file extension) of thescript
into theCommand Window
directly in the MATLAB editor, and press enter. -
All of the
files in this project are MATLABfunction
files. A MATLABfunction
starts with the syntaxfunction <filename>(<arguments>)
.% Example: if the file is `spikenet50.m` % function spikenet50()
that does not take any arguments can be called in the same way as a MATLABscript
, and the only difference is that all of thefunction
variables will only exist in thefunction
workspace, as opposed to the base MATLAB workspace as they would if thefunction
were instead ascript
. These functions can be invoked in the same way as a MATLABscript
:>> spikenet_no_cond;
Alternatively, the
can be run by opening it in the MATLAB editor and clicking the greenRun
button at the top of theEditor
tab.Note: using MATLAB
files instead ofscript
files makes it less-likely that you will use incorrect parameters from one simulation while running a different simulation and is therefore better practice, although the use ofscript
files can make debugging and development go faster since thescript
is effectively always running in "debug" mode with variables appearing in the Editor's Base workspace.