
This is a improved rewrite of the Project from OleMchls You can also call this a pack() wrapper.

Primary LanguagePHP

PHP Library for reading and writing binary data

Build Status

This is a improved rewrite of the Project from OleMchls You can also call this a pack() wrapper.

Additional Features

  • Autoincrement Offset
  • Write Int32, Int64, UInt64 and UTF8 Strings


Installation should be done via composer.

composer require msst/byte-buffer


    "require": {
        "msst/byte-buffer": "dev-master"


A simple usage example could look like this


require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use MSST\ByteBuffer\Buffer;

$text1 = 'channel_one';
$text2 = "This is a utf8 test message. 😄";

$buffer = new Buffer(4 + 1 + 4 + strlen($text1) + strlen($text2));

$socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
$result = socket_connect($socket, '', 3542);

socket_write($socket, (string) $buffer, $buffer->length());


Just working under php > 7.1



Licensed under the MIT license.

Original Project: ByteBuffer by OleMchls