
A Laravel package for editing the .env file dynamically.

Primary LanguagePHP

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Edit your Laravel .env file

This package offers you a possibility to edit your .env dinamically, for example out of a controller.

Right now, the package offers the following functionalities:

  • Change values from your .env
  • Create backups of your .env

The following functions are in process:

  • Restore a previous version of your .env
  • Add new entries
  • Delete entries

Already tested with:

  • Laravel 5.2

How to

Add the package to your composer.json require-dev section:

"brotzka/laravel-dotenv-editor": "dev-master"

and run

composer update

Or you may require the package via:

composer require brotzka/laravel-dotenv-editor

Add the following line to your config/app.php providers:


Add the following line to your config/app.php aliases:

'DotenvEditor' => Brotzka\DotenvEditor\DotenvEditorFacade::class,

Finally you have to publish the config file via:

php artisan vendor:publish

Now you can edit the config file and put in your values.


The following example shows an controller with a method, in which we change some values from the .env. Make sure, the entries you want to change, really exist in your .env.

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Brotzka\DotenvEditor\DotenvEditor;

class EnvController extends Controller
    public function test(){
        $env = new DotenvEditor();

            'TEST_ENTRY1'   => 'one_new_value',
            'TEST_ENTRY2'   => $anotherValue,

Before editing the .env, a backup will be created (by default in resources/backups/dotenv-editor).

Available Functions


 * Returns the current backup-path
 * @return mixed


 * Set a new backup-path.
 * The new directory will be created if it doesn't exist
 * @param $path
 * @return bool


 * Checks, if a given key exists in your .env-file.
 * Returns false or true
 * @param $key
 * @return bool

getValue($key) similar to the built-in function env()

 * Returns the value matching to a given key.
 * Returns false, if key does not exist.
 * @param $key
 * @return bool|mixed


 * Used to create a backup of the current .env.
 * Will be assigned with the current timestamp.
 * @return bool


 * Returns the timestamp of the latest version.
 * @return int|mixed

restoreBackup($timestamp = NULL)

 * Restores the latest backup or a backup from a given timestamp.
 * Restores the latest version when no timestamp is given.
 * @param null $timestamp
 * @return bool|string

getBackupVersions($foramted = 1)

 * Returns an array with all available backups.
 * $formated on 0 will show the timestamps instead of date time format.
 * Returns false, if no backups were found.
 * @param int $formated
 * @return array|bool


 * Returns filename and path for the given timestamp
 * @param $timestamp
 * @return bool|string

getContent($timestamp = NULL)

 * Returns the content of a given backup file
 * or the content of the current env file.
 * @param null $backup
 * @return array


 * Writes the content of a env file to an array.
 * @param $file
 * @return array


 * Saves the given data to the .env-file
 * @param $array
 * @return bool

changeEnv($data = array())

 * Change the given values of the current env file.
 * @param array $data
 * @return bool

addData($data = array())

 * Add data to the current env file.
 * Data will be placed at the end.
 * @param array $data
 * @return bool

deleteData($data = array())

 * Delete one or more entries from the env file.
 * @param array $data
 * @return bool