
A short program implementing the Bayesian Learning algorithm for CS4375 at UTD

Primary LanguageHTML

Bayesian Learning Algorithm
Author: Charles Krol
GitHub: https://github.com/CoryTee/BayesianLearning
Developed on MacOS High Sierra (10.13)

To run the program navigate to the program root folder and run
the appropriate file for your operating system with your training
and testing files as arguments. These scripts will compile the source
files and run the program with your files as the arguments.

Ensure you have the latest JDK installed and have updated your PATH environment
variable to include the locations of the java and javac commands.


$ bash ./run_on_unix_linux.sh train.dat test.dat


BayesianLearning>  run_on_windows.bat train.dat test.dat

For more details on the program see the included JavaDoc