This is a sveltekit + MDsveX blog.
add links to next and prev posts. Also section for "posts you may also like"?
csrf tokens for forms and api calls
next gen images - (low res placeholder, multiple res, etc)
add in tag manager events for share button clicks + subscribe clicks
rate limiting api endpoints
fix all high priority issues in SEO site checkup:
npm init svelte@next app
mv app indie-engineer
cd indie-engineer
npm install
npm run dev # or npm run dev:host
git init && git add -A && git commit -m "Initial commit"
Do this before modifying the project.
npx svelte-add@latest tailwindcss --forms --typography
npm install
git add -A && git commit -m "Add tailwindcss"
npx svelte-add@latest mdsvex
npm install
git add -A && git commit -m "Add mdsvex"
- Add a
command topackage.json
. Heroku runs this command in the deployment container.
"name": "indie-engineer",
// ...
"scripts": {
"start": "node build/index.js",
// ...
// ...
- Specify which node version to use.
"engines": {
"node": "16.x",
"npm": "8.x"
- Change the adapter to use the node adapter.
npm install --save-dev @sveltejs/adapter-node@next
Swap out the adapter in svelte.config.js
. This needs to be a node adapter and not a static adapter because we are handling POST requests in the webhook and email signup forms.
- Add heroku remote to git repo
git remote add heroku <heroku git repo url>
Vite uses .env and .env.* files to load environment variables.
Required variables:
- VITE_INSTANCE - set this to "dev" or "prod" ("dev" will expose debug functionality. Do NOT use this in production)
- VITE_API_SECRET - see [3]
- VITE_SENDGRID_SENDER\ID - set this to the sender you used in sendgrid. To get the "from" field, use the view sender API call (see [8]).
- VITE_SENDGRID_UNSUBSCRIBE_GROUP - link to group for users to unsubscribe from the list; see [9]
- VITE_HEROKU_WEBHOOK_ENABLE - if not "true", exit the webhook function without doing anything (not even authentication)
- VITE_HEROKU_REPO - set the heroku repo (git remote show heroku)
- VITE_HEROKU_API_TOKEN - retrieve your heroku api token (see [7])
Optional variables:
- VITE_SENDGRID_MAX_CONTACTS - set this to change amount of people who can go in the sendgrid 'dev' mailing list. Defaults to 10.
- VITE_GTM_ENABLE - set this to true to enable the Google Tag Manager widget
- VITE_GTM_ID - if Google Tag Manager is enabled, this must be set to properly send data to the account
- VITE_INDEX_PAGINATION_SIZE - set the page size for index blog post pagination (defaults to 10 if not present)
Use heroku app web hooks [3].
- Create a new web hook using the tutorial. Use the api:build event. The payload url should use the sendEmail.json endpoint:
PayloadURL (https):
- Create a secret phrase to serve as the internal API key. [4] Put this in the .env file:
VITE_API_SECRET="<secret passphrase>"
Don't forget to copy this to the heroku app config vars.
- Install sendgrid packages:
npm install @sendgrid/mail
npm install @sendgrid/client
Create a sendgrid api key and put it in the .env folder (see [4]). This requires a valid sendgrid account.
Modify tsconfig.js to allow for importing sendgrid ESM style. See [5].
Set the sendgrid mailing list ID for this website instance. For example, create a mailing list for the dev instance called "indie-engineer-dev". Add the ID of this list to the environment variables. Use [6] api call to get all existing list ids.
Create Unsubscribe groups
It's recommended to create 2--one for unsubscribing from automated blog post notifications and another called "All" for unsubscribing for all email. (When you do a single send, the associated suppression group you supply will filter out unsubscribed users from the provided list_ids)
Then get the suppression group ID from the sendgrid dashboard and put it in the VITE_SENDGRID_UNSUBSCRIBE_GROUP environment variable.
Create a GCP account and make a GCP project. (I called mine "indie-engineer").
Enable the reCAPTCHA Enterprise API
Create a sitekey (See [10].) for a score based test. You need to make one key for dev and another for prod. For dev, add "localhost" and "" to the domains. For prod, add "".
Create a google cloud API key and restrict it to only allow it for reCAPTCHA Enterprise API. (See [11]).
Set these environment variables:
VITE_CAPTCHA_SITEKEY=\<sitekey from GCP dashboard\>
VITE_CAPTCHA_PROJECT_ID=<gcp project id--e.g. 'indie-engineer'>
- sendgrid/sendgrid-nodejs#743