Emacs with native compilation ("gcc") + Wayland support

If the answer to those is "yes":

  • Do you want to use Emacs with native compilation enabled?
  • Do you want to use Emacs with Wayland support?
  • [Optional] Are you using Arch Linux?

Then you might be interested in this repository. If you want all of those but you are not using Arch Linux, you can still go to the release page and grab the latest binaries.

What is this?

This repository is just a factory that creates Emacs binaries for x64 so you don't have to do it yourself. The base Emacs branch that this repo builds can be found at github.com/flatwhatson/emacs.

Arch Linux users can install the binaries directly from AUR using the emacs-gcc-wayland-devel-bin package.


Because native comp is fast, wayland support means optimal hidpi support, and you now have a convenient way of using the "devel" version of Emacs without having to compile it yourself.

I want to improve X

Please create an issue (or, even better, a PR).



github.com/fejfighter/pgtk-emacs-flatpak is the same as this repository but based on Flatpak.