
Divider AutoLayout

o-nnerb opened this issue · 8 comments

It is possible to make divider moves with autoLayout? I have overridden Divider class and did that using SnapKit.

self.snp.makeConstraints { make in

Hey! Not sure I understood what you are trying to achieve. Can you elaborate on it more?

I was using the default Divider from Material and sometimes, when the views changes a lot the divider wasn't following the auto layout instructions. The problem occurred when I was using the Skeleton, but since I overridden the Divider class with putting SnapKit, now I didn't have any problem

//  Divider.swift

import Foundation
import UIKit

class Divider: UIView {

    static func from(view: UIView) -> Divider? {
        guard let divider = view.subviews.first(where: { $0 is Divider }) as? Divider else {
            return nil

        return divider

    static func orCreate(view: UIView) -> Divider {
        if let divider = Divider.from(view: view) {
            return divider

        let divider = Divider()

        divider.update(thickness: 1)

        return divider

    private(set) var thickness: CGFloat = 1
    func update(thickness: CGFloat) {
        self.thickness = thickness

        self.snp.makeConstraints { make in

extension UIView {

    var dividerColor: UIColor? {
        get {
            return Divider.from(view: self)?.backgroundColor

        set {
            Divider.orCreate(view: self).backgroundColor = newValue

    var isDividerHidden: Bool {
        get {
            return Divider.from(view: self) == nil

        set {
            if newValue {
                Divider.from(view: self)?.isHidden = true

            Divider.orCreate(view: self).isHidden = false

    var dividerThickness: CGFloat {
        get {
            return Divider.from(view: self)?.thickness ?? 0.0

        set {
            guard newValue > 0 else {
                Divider.from(view: self)?.isHidden = true

            Divider.orCreate(view: self).update(thickness: newValue)


Are you sure that you were calling self.layoutDivider() in layoutSubviews() of your UIView subview?

Would love to hear the feedback after you try it out @brennobemoura!

Follow pull request #1262

@OrkhanAlikhanov if I call layoutDivider() it works but I have to create a IBOutlet just for that and override viewDidLayoutSubviews()

Captura de Tela 2019-09-08 às 10 41 03

@brennobemoura We are going to revisit the divider in our next update. Closing this ticket for now :) thank you for bringing it to our attention.