
hi textview placeholder position

jjljiang155 opened this issue · 11 comments

I try to add textview in view

Hi, please add more details, code, and the actual problem you are facing. Thank you! We would be happy to help when we have that information. Until, I will close this issue.

I will reopen this issue, and we will take a look at it this week, latest next week. Thank you!

@nodle-J @DanielDahan I see the issue..

Screen Shot 2019-09-08 at 8 34 14 AM

@nodle-J thank you for your patience - I will keep this ticket up until we have a fix. 👍

@adamdahan is this happening only when we have Chinese characters?

@OrkhanAlikhanov So far, yes.

It is Font less than 17 ,I think
In TextView
func layoutPlaceholderLabel()
var h = placeholderLabel.sizeThatFits(CGSize(width: w, height: .greatestFiniteMagnitude)).height
h = max(h, minimumTextHeight)
h = min(h, bounds.height - - insets.bottom)
placeholderLabel.frame = CGRect(x: leftPadding, y:, width: w, height: h)

I don't understand h, I set font less than 17 but minimumTextHeight is constant 。

I canceled this code .

h = max(h, minimumTextHeight)
h = min(h, bounds.height - - insets.bottom)

Its all right

I have just learned swift
if I am wrong,please forgive me


@nodle-J We have started an internal conversation to re-write this component. For now a simple fix would be to set the

Line 326.
  internal let minimumTextHeight: CGFloat = 0

For your specific use case.

We will push a fix soon that's more appropriate for everyone!

Thank you for submitting this issue and getting us to notice :)

Linking the task issue: #1264