Use Buttons As PIN Input
Assign a multi-button controller (e.g., Aeon Labs Aeotec Minimote, Enerwave Scene Controller) to be a security 'PIN code' input pad, which triggers a Hello Home action, Mode, lock, arm/disarm or switch toggle.
More details on SmartThings Community Forum (some info may be merged back here):
- tbd.
- Beta release to Community for testing, feedback, feature requests.
- Currently hard limited to 2-9 digits from a choice of 1-4 (default), 1-[numButtons (max 9)] if set in device.numButtons (e.g., Enerwave = 1-7).
- Tested With:
- 4-button Aeon Labs Minimote, button-push only, no support for button-held.
- 7-button ZWN-SC7 Enerwave 7 Button Scene Controller, per @mattjfrank:
- tbd.