
ISC Bind server for general purpose internal name server

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ISC Bind server for general purpose internal name server with webmin for easy management.


Make the persistent directories

mkdir -p /srv/bind/etc
mkdir /srv/bind/zones
mkdir /srv/bind/webmin

Here is a sample command using all the options.

docker run -d \
-p 53:53 -p 53:53/udp \
-p 10000:10000 \
-v /srv/bind/etc:/etc/bind \
-v /srv/bind/zones:/var/lib/bind \
-v /srv/bind/webmin:/etc/webmin \
-e PASS=newpass \
-e NET=\;\; \
--name bind --hostname bind \

Log into webmin and manage your server




53 - TCP functions for named. You might not need this if you are not going to transfer zone files or anything.

53/udp - This is the bulk of the DNS lookups.

10000 - This is for the webmin access so you can use a web interface to modify DNS.


If you want any kind of persistence for DNS, that is if you want your information to survive reboots or anything, you might like to store it outside the container. This also allows for easy backups and importing zone files.

I like to make all my external volumes on /srv/containername/volume so that is what is in the example. You are free to change that to whatever makes you happy.

/srv/bind/etc:/etc/bind - Location of bind9 configuration files.

/srv/bind/zones:/var/lib/bind - Location of bind9 zone files.

/srv/bind/webmin:/etc/webmin - Location of webmin configuration files and plugins.

Environment Variables

PASS - This is used to set the root password which is primarily used for access webmin

NET - By default, webmin allows all IP addresses to access it. By adding IP addresses you are restricting access to webmin. You can add multiple IP addresses or ranges. just separate them with a backslash semicolon.

Using Webmin

You should probably follow the guide at webmin.com


For a quick, just get me started guide, here is how to create a zone, add a host and query the server for the record.

    Click on Servers -> BIND DNS Server
    Under "Existing DNS Zones", click on "Create master zone"
    Enter "Domain name / Network" (example: test.lab)
    Enter "Email address" (admin@test.lab)
    Click on "Edit Zone Options"
    In the "Allow queries from..." box enter "any"
    Click on "Address"
    Add your host (host.test.lab) Address (
    Click on System -> Running Proxesses
    Click the number for the named process
    Click on "kill".  The process will restart automatically
    Test with dig: dig @nameserver.or.ip host.test.lab

That should be enough to create your first zone.

When you are done with your updates, doing a simple stop/start to the container will get the service to re-read the files.

docker stop bind
docker start bind

Editing the config files by hand

If you add or edit the config files in /srv/bind/named by hand, you need to restart the named process for that change to take effect. This uses phusion/baseimage which runs "runit" to start services. If the service dies, runit will start it again. All we need to do to restart a process is to kill it and it will start right back up again.

Click on System -> Running processes
Click on the process ID for /usr/sbin/named
Click on the Kill button and the process will simply restart