todo-track-api-polpo-challenge: Quick-Td API

@author: Luisangel Marcia - @CosmicTiger



  • Node.JS
  • Express.JS
  • JWT
  • BcryptJS
  • Nodemon(dev)
  • BodyParser


This project consists in a evaluation by Polpo recruiter team.

This API consists in a simple CRUD about a ToDo APP called QuickTd in which possess server side validation, JWT Authentication for users, relations between the data of the users and its tasks inside the application.

Project Structure

This Project possess a standard structure for Node.JS API Rest.

  1. controllers: In which possess all the functions that controls the data.
  2. middleware: Consists in the implementation of JWT as a middleware in order to permit access with decoded and uncoded token authentication for the users.
  3. models: Carries out the models for the Tasks and Users Schema from the mongodb.
  4. routes: Gives the routes in which a frontend application could request certain data in will have responses in dependency of the method.
  5. app.js: Possess the main execution of node.js server in which the API run.

API Routes

In the following section the routes would be explained.

Auth routes

  1. /auth/signup/: It will create a new user;
  2. /auth/login/: It will let the user to log in the application;

Task routes

In order to use this routes its necessary to have a user registered

  1. /api/tasks/: Will apply a GET method in which will send all the tasks of the user.
  2. /api/task/: Will create task through a POST method for the data sent by the user.
  3. /api/task/:taskId: Will search through a GET method for a specific task of the user.
  4. /api/task/:taskId: Will update through a PUT method a specific task selected by the user.
  5. /api/task/:taskId: Will eliminate a task through a DELETE method selected by the user.

Available Scripts:

Only run the command yarn start.

In the project directory, you can run:

yarn start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:8080 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.

yarn test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.

Not implemented