
Compile and run Turbo Assembler (TASM) files on GNU/Linux - Ubuntu-20.04

Primary LanguageAssembly


Compile and run Turbo Assembler (TASM) files on GNU/Linux - Ubuntu-20.04

Compile and run 16 bit Turbo Assembly files


  • GNU/Linux - Ubuntu-20.04
  • dosemu2 - dos emulator
  • emu2 - light weight dos emulator (I used it to run .exe files)
  • TASM - Borland Turbo Assembler (is found in TASM directory) This is used for run TASM.EXE /zi /la code.asm and TLINK.EXE /v code.obj.
  • Install prerequisites:
# install dosemu
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dosemu2/ppa
sudo apt update
sudo apt install dosemu2 

# install emu2
git clone https://github.com/dmsc/emu2.git
cd emu2
sudo cp emu2 /usr/bin


git clone https://github.com/CosminEugenDinu/16-bit-assembly-tasm-linux.git
cd 16-bit-assembly-tasm-linux
chmod +x compile.sh


# in projects directory are some sample .asm files
# compile and run one of them like this:
./compile.sh projects/ex1.asm

# now you should see some files in tasm, like ex1.obj, ex1.exe, ...
# the results or running `emu2 code.exe` is printed in terminal
  • for debugging inspect logfile (this file is created first time you run ./compile.sh)


  • Compile asm file using dosemu:

!!! Assembly file name must have max 8 characters for base filename and 3 chars for extension !!!

# cd to your root project (let's say this includes TASM/TASM.EXE and projects/Code.asm)
# -K: directory of programs that will be run dos command, -E: dos command, -dumb: view result of dos command
# ex: the next command lists current directory as it is seen from dos
dosemu -K '.' -E 'dir' -dumb

# compile asm
dosemu -K '.' -E 'TASM\TASM.EXE /zi /la projects\Code.asm' -dumb

# now you have files: code.lst, code.obj
  • Linking:
dosemu -K '.' -E 'TASM\TLINK.EXE /v code.obj' -dumb

# now you generated file code.exe
  • Execute:
emu2 code.exe