
Text effect that might make you go "woah"!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is an almost carbon-copy of the Magical Text by Hyperplexed specifically made to by used in React.
The star and square icons are from the Font Awesome's free pack.


Excluding React, none.

Running the example

Clone the project, enter the project's folder, do npm install, then npm start and it's up.


To use this component, MagicText.js, MagicText.css and by default, the star.svg icon are required from the src folder.

Only the text property is explicity needed:

    Hello, this is the <MagicText text={"purple wizard"}/> and I am here to purple you.

with by default, a purple gradient-moving background with purple pulsating and rotating stars:

Purple Wizzard

Component properties:

  • text: The text to display
  • particleCount: How many particles
  • particleSvg: The particle SVG
  • particleStyling: Custom styling for a particle
  • textStyling: Custom styling for the text

Example of a customized MagicText component:

const styling = {
  text: {
      background: "linear-gradient(to right, DarkGreen, ForestGreen, Lime, LimeGreen)",
      backgroundSize: "200%",
  particle: {
      scale: "1",
      fill: "#23a60866"
    Hello, this is the <MagicText text={"green wizard"}
    /> and I am here to green you.

Green Wizzard (this example is also in the source code)