
Bash script that will rice, and install various tools.

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Nymph (WIP - There will be bugs)

Bash script that will rice, and install various tools.

ONLY EXECUTE main.sh. The other files are meant to run off main.sh, and are not supposed to be executed manually.

Please see -h for available options when installing.

Important Notes

  • When the installer asks if you would like to use sddm or any other option (usually lightdm or gdm) choose whichever one you like. On ParrotOS, lightdm is the default login manager. sddm is the default login manager for Plasma. gdm is the login manager for Gnome (Ubuntu).
  • Please see the post-installation documentation below after you run the script.

Installation and Usage

Clone the script via:

git clone https://github.com/Soulsender/Nymph

change directory and execute:

cd Nymph/
sudo chmod +x main.sh
sudo ./main.sh

and respond to the prompts that will appear. See -h for options.


Plasma isn't very command-line friendly when it comes to automation as something like i3. Follow these steps until I can get a reliable way to automate everything.

  • STEP 1: Open the menu with your super key (or windows key), and find Plasma Style. Select LyraS-dark from this menu and hit apply.
  • STEP 2: Open the menu again, and find Icons. Select candy-icons and hit apply.
  • STEP 3: Right click on the desktop and select configure desktop. The wallpaper will be stored in /usr/share/backgrounds/wallpapers/saints-name.png. Add it, and hit apply.
  • STEP 4: Right click on the start menu icon and select Configure Application Launcher. Click on the icon, and you can use whatever image you would like. If you are unable to see hidden directories, check the top right of the Dolphin file manager to enable hidden files.
  • Optional STEP 5: If you decided to use sddm as your login manager, and not the default one that ships with your chosen distro, simply type in Login Screen in the menu, and customize to your liking. Should you decide to go back to your old login manager, open a terminal and run
sudo systemctl disable sddm


sudo systemctl enable lightdm

where lightdm is your chosen login manager (ex. lightdm, gdm3, lxdm).

  • Optional STEP 6: Should you want status bars about RAM, CPU, internet speed, or other widgets, right click on the taskbar and click edit panel to go into edit mode. Click add widgets, and type the name of the type of widget you would like to add. Click and drag the widget to the appropriate location, whether on your desktop or taskbar. You may also change the configuration of these widgets, simply by hovering over them in edit mode, and selecting configure.
