
Repo for learning Node.js and other dependent frameworks: Nest.js, etc.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Module in Node.js is a simple or complex functionality organized in single or multiple JavaScript files which can be reused throughout the Node.js application.

Each Node.js module can be seen as a self-contained function like the following one: '''(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { module.exports = exports = {};

// Your module code ...


Use exports to:

- Export named function. e.g. exports.area, exports.circumference.

Use module.exports to:

- If you want to export an object, class, function at the root level (e.g. module.exports = Cat)

- If you prefer to return a single object that exposes multiple assignments. e.g.module.exports ={area, circumference};

Some of the most used core modules are:

- fs: Allows you to manipulate (create/read/write) files and directories.
- path: utilities to work with files and directories paths.
- http: create HTTP servers and clients for web development.
- url: utilities for parsing URLs and extracting elements from it.