Aqua OS is a basic os with a cli, written in c#.
Aqua OS is based on CosmosOS:
Features: FAT FileSystem
Text editor(work-in-progress)
Basic OS commands
Aquapps are very simple applications written in the ASCS coding language, a very simplified version of C#.
Aquapp files are files ending in .aquapp, .aquaa, .scaqp and .ascsa.
Read below to learn how to make an aquapp!
- Eraser, an app to erase text from files!
- Scribbler improvements and bug fixes.
- Dev mode removed.
- FileSystem bug fixes! (subdirectories still not supported)
- Cool boot improvements. (better logo, and a boot animation)
- Sound!
- Exception handling.
- More than 400 lines of code!
- Some easter eggs...
To try out AquaOS:
- Download the iso file (inside the zip folder) and vmdk file above.
- Download VMWare.
- Create a new virtual machine.
- For the OS, choose other.
- Finish setup and go into settings.
- Delete the existing hard disk and add a new one.
- Choose to add an existing hard disk, and add the Filesystem.vmdk file that you downloaded in step 1.
- Enjoy!
A working version of AquaOS version 0.32 or higher.
- Learn the commands of ASCS (there aren't many): write(texttowrite) writeline(texttowrite) inputget(texttowrite) <- creates variable with input called usrinput sayinput() newline()
- Write a program
- Add info to the beggining of the script like this: info = yourinfohere
- Example aquapp: info = Example app version 100,001 by Example McMaker
- REMEMBER: Code the app in AquaOS, using Scribbler.
- Run your app!
_Note: The info part is not required, but when an aquapp is run on AquaOS, it will display that info before starting the aquapp.
To fork a project off of AquaOS:
Prerequisites: Visual Studio 2019, AquaOS Userkit, .NET core and VMWare workstation player
- Download the Kernel of your choice to: C:\Users[yourusername]\source\repos\AquaOS\AquaOS.
- Dowload the solution file to: C:\Users[yourusername]\source\repos\AquaOS.
- Open up the solution.
- Change it.
- Press the build option and it will build for you!*
*After the build is done it will launch a VM window, if you are looking for the .iso file it is located in: