This project is a simple code base to create a fire/lava effect with an Arduino board and a WS2812B compatible LED-strip, for example a NeoPixel
To use this code, just clone the project on your computer. It can be directly uploaded to your arduino. But first refer to the next parts.
You will need to download FastLED to use this code. Use this guide if you don't know how to install it.
- You will need an arduino board. Visit the Arduino website for more information.
- Install the Arduino IDE to your computer
- Be sure FastLED is added to your Arduino IDE librairies
After downloading the code, connect your Arduino board to your computer. Then use the Arduino IDE to upload your code to your board.
- Brice Culas - Initial work - CosplayEnrichmentCenter
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the Creative Common BY-NC-SA 4.0 License - see the file for details or see the official website
- This project is originally made for cosplay use. Feel free to find new uses !