Demo of application ->

The concept of the app I will split into three separate sections:

  1. Base application
  2. E-mail whitelist
  3. User Count

Base application

A Boilerplate for the base application can be easily created by Auth0 app generation. For the POC purpose, I will be using regular web application, but Auth0 offers a template for Native, Single page applications and Machine to machine apps.

Auth0 dashboard offers an extensive view of several important information, but at this moment, the most crucial right now is the Settings view and Connections.

In settings under Basic Information, there is Domain/Client ID and Client Secret. These will be set as the environmental variable for the app, which will allow the app to connect with Auth0. Another critical section in this view is Application URIs, where you will set URLs for callback and log out according to your hosting.

To allow users to log in via Google and Facebook, you need to open the Connections subpage and turn on the switch for both connections. If you need more connections, Marketplace offers other solutions like Apple/GitHub etc.

Actions and Flows

For E-mail whitelist and User count I will use Auth0 Action Flows, Login to be precise.

E-mail whitelist

The first code is an example of handling an e-mail whitelist. For POC purposes, it's a small set that only allows e-mails from the hard-coded list of addresses. If your company has a custom e-mail end, you can easily rewrite this code to auth from the set of e-mails based on the rule.

exports.onExecutePostLogin = async (event, api) => {
const whitelistEmailsSet = new Set([''])

  if ( && whitelistEmailsSet.has( {
  else {
  api.access.deny(`Access is not allowed. Conntact you administrator`);

User Count

I'm using user metadata to store count and claims to serve numbers in the callback for user count. Both claims and user metadata are offered as built-in functions to Auth0.

exports.onExecutePostLogin = async (event, api) => {
  if (!event.user.user_metadata.userCount){
    api.user.setUserMetadata("userCount", 1)
    api.user.setUserMetadata("userCount",event.user.user_metadata.userCount+1 )

  const userCount = event.user.user_metadata.userCount;
  if (event.authorization) {
    // Set claims 
    api.idToken.setCustomClaim(`userCount`, userCount);


More details about Actions and Flows can be found here ->