1. Buy "USB CONVERTER TTL CP2102" or "FTDI FT232"

  2. See ESP8266_to_FT232.jpg and ESP8266.jpg

    ESP TX to FTDI RX ESP GND to FTDI GND ESP CH_PD to FTDI 3.3v ESP GPIO2 to nothing ESP RST to nothing ESP GPIO0 to FTDI GND (disconnect after flashing, to normal boot) ESP VCC to FTDI 3.3v ESP RX to FTDI TX

  3. Plug FTDI to computer

    Open ESP8266Flasher.exe Touch tab Config and button Engine Select nodemcu Firmware/nodemcu_float_0.9.6-dev_20150704.bin In Advanced I used: Baudrate: 19200 Flash size: 512KByte Flash speed: 40Mhz SPI Mode: QIO Go to Operation Tab and Flash it (If not work, unplug and plug FTDI)

  4. Unplug FTDI from computer USB port

    Unplug the wire from ESP8266 GPIO0 that connect to FTDI GND. IMPORTANT !!! Plug FTDI to computer again

  5. Open ESPlorer/ESPlorer.jar (require JAVA 7 or UP: http://java.com/download)

    Open int.lua with it Select 19200 Baudrate and click Open (Normal errors like: Cant autodetect firmware) Change line wifi.sta.config("ssid","password") And select SAVE to ESP

    Problems: Nothing happens ? Try step 3 with firmware nodemcu_integer_x.bin (remeber reconnect wire GPIO0 before flash again)

  6. Plug led to GPIO0 or GPIO2 with resistor to GND like final_circuit.jpg

  7. Disconnect power and reconnect to reset all.

  8. Wait a seconds and search the IP of ESP8266 ...

    You can use nmap Or enter to router and go to DHCP current Client list

  9. Brwose IP on you web browser or use CURL