
Drawing application made with SDL2

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A simple drawing application made with SDL2.

Use the mouse to draw. The color drifts randomly. The drawing drifts in random directions in a pattern when you hold the mouse button without moving the mouse.

The window defaults to 512x512 pixels and is resizable. Resizing the window clears the drawing.

Feel free to ask a question by opening an issue.





GNU GPL v3. See file LICENSE.

How to build and run


Tested with SDL v2.0.12

  1. Clone repo
  2. make run


Tested with SDL v2.0.9

  • Download and install Build Tools for Visual Studio 2017 to get the CL C/C++ compiler and x64 Native Tools Command Prompt. Use x86 Native Tools Command Prompt for 32-bit Windows. More information on these command prompts here.
  • Download the Visual C++ SDL2 development libraries.
  • Create a symbolic link named SDL2-2.0.9 targeting the location of the downloaded SDL2-2.0.9 folder. Likely use mklink /D SDL2-2.0.9 C:\path\to\SDL2-2.0.9. The /D argument is for directory symbolic link as opposed to the default file symbolic link.
  • Switch x64 to x86 for libpathsdl in build.bat for 32-bit.
  • Run build.bat in the command prompt from above to build. Run build.bat dev to get a console when the program runs.


Not currently accepting contributions. Feel free to create an issue.