Custom made Themes for various Apps based on the Gruvbox Material pallet
- 0xChilli
- 6upernova
- AbazziThe Big Server in the Basement
- anonpimpNY
- bimarakajatiUniversitas Dian Nuswantoro
- Binz120Ireland
- boenkyo
- CelticBoozerBelarus, Minsk
- CosteerGermany
- ctof81
- dukercsGoiânia - GO, Brasil
- felipe-juanBahia, Brazil
- forivall¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- ghepardoman
- Ghostplane
- Goosegit11Russia
- holiq@indosec-id @KoalaFacade @seccodeid
- kelseykazoo
- Kh1ng
- khashayaramini
- localwareunder your bed
- matheusfalconi-novaes
- ngocanhtve
- Nix3l
- oliveruser
- PariliaWales, UK
- pgrwe
- sppidy@TeamUltroid @techresearchersclubvitc
- ssorianos
- TDZenith
- thesambriggs
- VaidotakKlaipėda
- visualrobots
- voiger
- vtkauePíaui - Brasil
- zarocknc@pointererp