Sparse Identification of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems (SINDy) is an algorithm to discover governing dynamical equations for time series 𝐱(𝑡) .
The key idea is to construct a differential equation:
where the time derivative is computed from the time series data and Θ(𝐱) is a non-linear basis.
We will follow the next steps: Steps:
Compute time derivative: Perhaps the trickiest part, especially for noisy time series although one can use total variation regularized derivatives for such cases as here
Choose basis: We will choose a non-linear basis constructed from the time series data, consisting of a polynomial basis and trigonometrical functions.
Use regression: We apply regularized linear regression Lasso/Ridge with one step or we can perform sequential thresholding least squares [1].
Once we discover the underlying dynamical equations, it will be a lot easier to forecast.
Next moves:
In reality, it is difficult to know the right coordinates and basis functions to use. The interesting extension of SINDy so far has been to use latent basis / coordinates instead of physical space basis. In latent space,
A non-linear basis in 𝐳 is used to perform SINDy. The full cost function also takes into account the physical space SINDy expression. This approach is developed in articles [2] and [3]
- Discovering governing equations from data by sparse identification of nonlinear dynamical systems Steven L. Brunton & others
- Discovering Governing Equations from Partial Measurements with Deep Delay Autoencoders Joseph Bakarji, Kathleen Champion
- Enhancing Computational Fluid Dynamics with Machine Learning Ricardo Vinuesa1, and Steven L. Brunton