
Computer science 2.2 advanced recursion and graphs

Primary LanguagePython

Advanced Recursion and Graphs


  1. General Instructions
  2. Challenge 1
  3. Challenge 2
  4. Challenge 3
  5. Challenge 4
  6. Challenge 5

General instructions

  • Your code should go in the Challenge Folder of your personal repo that you created for this class.

  • Your code should meet the following minimum requirements

    • meets PEP8 style guidelines
    • is well tested
    • is well documented
    • cites any sources used for inspiration and clearly indicates what code is used / modified from these sources
  • Unless otherwise stated, use simple concrete data types in your implementations (lists, dictionaries). Stretch challenges will give you an opportunity to refactor with collections and more complex data types.

  • Each challenge will read in a graphs from a text file with

    • the first line being a G or D (for graph or digraph)
    • the second line being a list of vertices,
    • remaining lines are one vertex pair per line representing the edges (x,y) or a triplet if there are weights (x, y, w)
  • Each challenge should be run from the command line and provide output in the format requested.

  • Your code should be in at least two files. File 1 must be named challege_X.py where X is the challenge number. This file will be run from the command line with arguments of the graph text file and (possibly) additional arguments needed for the challenge. python3 challenge_1.py graph_data.txt

  • Other files should follow best practices for code architecture (classes in a file with the class name, etc) but the structure is up to you.

  • You will be graded on if your code works (produces the correct output), and code quality based on the Challenge Rubric Online - Beta Testing or Challenge Rubric Document

Challenge 1

  • Implement the Graph ADT with an adjacency list
  • Implement code to read in a graph from a text file to create an instance of the Graph ADT and use it's methods.

Input: A graph file (can contain a directed or undirected graph with or without weights) python3 challenge_1.py graph_data.txt



  • The # vertices in the graph.
  • The # edges in the graph.
  • A list of the edges with their weights (if weighted)
# Vertices: 4
# Edges: 4
Edge List:

Stretch Challenges 1

Challenge 2

Update your Graph ADT code to use Breadth First Search to compute the shortest path between two provided vertices in your graph.

Input: A graph file (can contain a weighted directed or weighted undirected graph), a fromVertex and a toVertex. python3 challenge_2.py graph_data.txt 1 4


Output: The vertices in a shortest path from fromVertex to toVertex and the weight of the path.

Vertices in Path: 1,2,4
Weight of Path: 5

Challenge 3

Depth First Search - Iterative

Stretch Challenges 3

  • Depth First Search - Recursive
  • Spanning Trees

Challenge 4

  • Dijkstra's Algorithm

Stretch Challenges 4 : Implement Priority Queue

Challenge 5

  • Coloring, Scheduling

Stretch Challenges 5

  • Dynamic Programming

Challenge 6

  • Dynamic Programming

Stretch Challenges 6

    • NP Reduction