
Creating a custom api

Primary LanguageJavaScript


What it is

The Dragon Ball API is a RESTful API based on the television series Dragon Ball. API queries are limited by IP address and will return either characters or planets from the series. By creating an account, you will be able to submit character data. I am currently working on adding characters and planets to the database and have added the option for you to contribute as well. I am still working on how to verify the input from users. Check out the deployment here.


This documentation will help you get familiar with the resources of the Dragon Ball API and show you how to make different queries, so that you can get the most out of it.

Rate Limit

Authentication has been implemented as well as a limit on queries of up to 100 per every 15 minutes. I implemented express-rate-limit to stop malicious queries, data submissions, and account creations. After 100 queries, 5 character submissions, or 2 account creations, your IP will be flagged for a certain period of time.


Base url: dragon-ball-api.herokuapp.com/api

The base url contains information about all available API's resources. All responses will return data in json.

Sample Request

  "characters": "https://dragon-ball-api.herokuapp.com/api/character",
  "planets": "https://dragon-ball-api.herokuapp.com/api/location",

There are currently 2 available resources:

  • Character: Used to get all characters
  • Planet: Used to get all planets


Currently collecting data on characters.

Character schema

Key Type Description
name string The name of the character.
status string The status of the character ('Alive', 'Dead' or 'unknown').
species string The species of the character.
series string The sub-series that the character is from i.e. Z, GT, etc.
gender string The gender of the character ('Female', 'Male', 'Genderless').
origin planet string (url) Url to the character's origin planet.
image string (url) Link to the character's image.
url string (url) Link to the character's own URL endpoint.
created string Time at which the character was created in the database.

Get all characters

You can access the list of characters by using the /character endpoint.


Get a single character

You can get a single character by adding the name as a parameter: /character/Gohan

If a name has a space ' ', replace it with an underscore _.



Currently collecting data on planets.

Planet schema

Key Type Description
name string The name of the planet.
residents string All characters from this planet.
image string (url) Link to the planet's image.
url string Link to planets own endpoint.
created string Time at which the planet was created in the database.

Get all planets

You can access the list of characters by using the /planet endpoint.


Get a single planet

You can get a single character by adding the name as a parameter: /planet/Earth

If a name has a space ' ', replace it with an underscore _.


Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


Install all dependencies

npm install

Create .env file

touch .env

Add secret key to .env

SECRET = ???

Built With


  • Connor Oswold - Initial work - Coswold

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
