
:camera: CLI wrapper around puppeteer - take screenshots of pages

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


npm npm

A simple tool I made using puppeteer that allows me to take screenshots of webpages for project READMEs, etc.


  • Take a screenshot of a supplied page using puppeteer


Via npm

Install the command globally by running npm install -g screenit

Via Cloning

  1. Clone the repository by running:
git clone https://github.com/Coteh/screenit.git
  1. Run npm link to symlink the executable to your system path.


usage: screenit [URL] [-o OUTPUT_FILE]

  Optional flags:
  -o|--output [OUTPUT_FILE]	Specify output file - defaults to 'screenshot.png'
  --version			Display version number
  -h|--help			Display this usage message


  • Opinionated (e.g. width and height is always 1280x720, it suits a personal use case of taking quick standard screenshots of pages)
  • Only saves to PNG
  • Not guaranteed to work with every page (post on Issues page if you find something)

Future Work

  • Implement full-page screenshots (using automated scrolling)
  • Use cookies
  • Add tests