
Compiler Design Virtual Lab

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Compiler Design Lab Simulator

Various tasks are implemented for C language with simulation as following:

  • To design an online simulator that checks whether a user input string is a comment or not.
  • To design an online simulator that checks whether a user input string is a valid identifier or not.
  • To design a Lexical analyzer for C language.
  • Left Most Derivation and Right Most Derivation.
  • Parse Tree Generation.

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm install

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.

The page will reload when you make changes.
You may also see any lint errors in the console.

Live Demo



To design an online simulator that checks whether a given input string is a single/multi-line comment or not.


Given a string as user input, representing a program snippet, the task is to check if the given string is a single/multi-line comment or not.

  • Single Line Comment: Comments preceded by a Double Slash ('//')

  • Multi-line Comment: Comments starting with ('/') and ending with ('/')


Check if at the first Index(i.e. index 0) the value is '/' then follow below steps else print "Given input string is not a comment!". If line[0] == '/': If line[1] == '/', then print "Given input string is a comment!". If line[1] == '', then traverse the string and if any adjacent pair of '' & '/' is found then print "Given input string is a comment!".


Click here to simulate this.


The frontend is designed with React Framework and using the javascript language. The implementation is done for C programming language where the simulator takes a string as user input and checks whether it is a single/multi-line comment or not.


To design an online simulator that checks whether a user input string is a valid or invalid identifier.


Given a string as user input, representing a string, the task is to check if the string is a valid identifier or not. In order to qualify as a valid identifier, the string must satisfy all the following conditions:

It must start with either ('_', '$') or any of the characters from the ranges ['a', 'z'] and ['A', 'Z'] There must not be any white space in the string All the subsequent characters after the first character must not consist of any special characters except '$'. The string must not exceed 31 characters


Traverse the string character by character and check whether all the requirements are met for it to be a valid identifier i.e., first character can only be either ('_', '$') or an English alphabet and the rest of the characters must neither be a white space or any special character nor must exceed 31 characters.


Click here to simulate this.


The frontend is designed with React Framework and using the javascript language. The implementation is done for C programming language where the simulator takes a string as user input and checks whether it is a valid or invalid identifier.


To design an online lexical analyzer simulator for C programming language that detects token and classifies them into keywords, identifiers, special characters and operators while ignoring tab, new line and redundant spaces.


Given line of code as user input, representing a block of code/snippet, the task is to detect tokens in a C program called the lexical analysis of a compiler. Hence, this simulator is referred to as the lexical analyzer. The lexical analyzer is a part of the compiler that detects tokens of a program and sends it to the syntax analyzer. Token is the smallest logical unit of a program and can be of the following types:

Keywords/ Function Names Identifier String Constants Special Characters Operators


Traverse the input program snippet character by character Tokenization i.e., dividing the program into valid tokens then remove tab and white space characters. Also remove comments and the rest parts of the program that are meant for the understanding of the user and are in no way needed during compilation. Place the tokens under each of the below sub-categories: Keywords for the function names Identifiers for the variables String constants for constants with fixed sequence of characters 192 Special characters among 256 defined characters by ASCII Operators for the mathematical operations


Click here to simulate this.


The frontend is designed with React Framework and using the javascript language. The implementation is done for C programming language where the simulation is designed that detects token and classifies them into keywords, identifiers, string constants, special characters and operators while ignoring tab, new line and redundant spaces.


To design an online Lexical Analyzer simulator to derive leftmost derivation tree and rightmost derivation tree from a given grammar for a goal string.


The process of deriving a string is called as derivation. The geometrical representation of a derivation is called as a parse tree or derivation tree. A derivation is basically a sequence of production rules, in order to get the input string. During parsing, we take two decisions for some sentential form of input:

Deciding the non-terminal which is to be replaced. Deciding the production rule, by which, the non-terminal will be replaced.

To decide which non-terminal to be replaced with production rule, we can have two options as following:

Left-most Derivation: If the sentential form of an input is scanned and replaced from left to right, it is called left-most derivation. The sentential form derived by the left-most derivation is called the left-sentential form. Right-most Derivation: If we scan and replace the input with production rules, from right to left, it is known as right-most derivation. The sentential form derived from the right-most derivation is called the right-sentential form.


First start from Starting symbol and represent it as the root node. Then check for input symbol and start expanding according to the given grammar. After that, start elaborating the production i.e., expanding the non-terminals from left to right in case of leftmost derivation tree and from right to left in case of rightmost derivation tree. Similarly, need to move the expansion for all the production until we achieve the goal string.

left-most derivation


Click here to simulate this.


The frontend is designed with React Framework and using the javascript language. The concept of left and right derivation tree are implementated.


To design an online simulator that implements a Parser (Non Recursive Descent- parser) for the given grammar.


A parse tree is an ordered tree in which nodes are labeled with the left side of the productions and in which the children of a node define its equivalent right parse tree also known as syntax tree, generation tree, or production tree. A parser generator takes a grammar as input and automatically generates source code that can parse streams of characters using the grammar. The generated code is a parser, which takes a sequence of characters and tries to match the sequence against the grammar. The parser typically produces a parse tree, which shows how grammar productions are expanded into a sentence that matches the character sequence. The root of the parse tree is the starting nonterminal of the grammar. Each node of the parse tree expands into one production of the grammar.


First start from Starting symbol and represent it as the root node. Then check for input symbol and start expanding according to the given grammar. After that, start elaborating the production i.e., expanding the non-terminals from left to right in case of leftmost derivation tree and from right to left in case of rightmost derivation tree. Similarly, need to move the expansion for all the production until we achieve the goal string.

Let us take an example of a Grammar (Production Rules). S -> sAB A -> a B -> b The input string is “sab”, then the Parse Tree is :

Parse Tree


Click here to simulate this.


The frontend is designed with React Framework and using the javascript language. The simulator takes a Grammar(Production Rules) as user input and generate the corresponding parse trees according to the grammar/ production rules.