
OR2024-Hyrax is an application based on Hyrax 5.0 stack by Cottage Labs. It is built with Docker containers.

Getting Started

Clone the repository with git clone

Ensure you have docker and docker-compose.

Open a console and try running docker -h and docker-compose -h to verify they are both accessible.

Create the environment file .env. You can start by copying the template file .env.template.development to .env and customizing the values to your setup.
Note: For production environment, use .env.template as your template.

Quick start

If you would like to do a test run of the system, start the docker containers

$ cd or2024-hyrax
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d

You should see the containers being built and the services start.

Docker compose explained

There is docker-compose file provided in the repository, which build the containers running the services as shown above

  • docker-compose.yml is the main docker-compose file. It builds all the core servcies required to run the application

Containers running in docker

  • Solr container runs SOLR, an enterprise search server.

    By default, this runs the SOLR service on port 8983 internally in docker. http://solr:8983

  • db containers running a postgres database for use by the Hyrax application (appdb).

    By default, this runs the database service on port 5432 internally in docker.

  • redis container running redis, used by Hyrax to manage background tasks.

    By default, this runs the redis service on port 6379 internally in docker.

  • app container sets up the Hyrax application, which is then used by 2 services - web and workers.

    • Web container runs the application.

      By default, this runs on port 3000 internally in docker. http://web:3000

    • Workers container runs the background tasks, using sidekiq and redis.

    • Hyrax processes long-running or particularly slow work in background jobs to speed up the web request/response cycle. When a user submits a file through a work (using the web or an import task), there a number of background jobs that are run, initilated by the hyrax actor stack, as explained here.

      You can monitor the background workers using the OR2024-Hyrax service at http://web:3000/sidekiq when logged in as an admin user.

Container volumes

The data for the application is stored in docker named volumes as specified by the compose files. These are:

$ docker volume list -f name=or2024
local     or2024-hyrax_branding
local     or2024-hyrax_cache
local     or2024-hyrax_db
local     or2024-hyrax_derivatives
local     or2024-hyrax_file_uploads
local     or2024-hyrax_redis
local     or2024-hyrax_solr
local     or2024_branding
local     or2024_cache
local     or2024_db
local     or2024_derivatives
local     or2024_file_uploads
local     or2024_redis
local     or2024_solr

These will persist when the system is brought down and rebuilt. Deleting them will require importers etc. to run again.

Running OR2024-Hyrax

  • When running in production environment,

    • Prepare your .env file using .env.template as the template.

    • You need to use docker-compose.yml to build and run the containers.

      You could setup an alias for docker-compose on your local machine, to ease typing

      alias hd='docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml'
  • When running in development and test environment,

    • Prepare your .env file using .env.template.development as the template.

    • You need to use docker-compose.yml. to build and run your containers.

      You could setup an alias for docker-compose on your local machine, to ease typing

      alias hd='docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml'
  • Prepare the file hyrax/seed/setup.json if you would like to create a set of users in the OR2024-Hyrax, as a part of start-up.

Build the docker container

To start with, you would need to build the system, before running the services. To do this you need to issue the build command

$ hd build

Start and run the services in the containers

To run the containers after build, issue the up command (-d means run as daemon, in the background):

$ hd up -d

The containers should all start and the services should be available in their end points as described above

Docker container status and logs

You can see the state of the containers with hd ps, and view logs e.g. for the web container using hd logs web

The services that you would need to monitor the logs for are docker mainly web and workers.

Running services

Using OR2024-Hyrax

To use the OR2024-Hyrax application on http://localhost:3000, you would need to do the following

  1. Add passwords for the system users, or assign the role admin to a user who has signed in through Shibboleth, or register an user with role admin (see wiki), so they can login.
  2. Setup the Default workflow, to submit a dataset.
  3. Setup the Custom workflow to submit an experiment.

Stop the services

You could stop the container using hd stop.

This will just stop all of the running containers created by hd up

Any background jobs running in the workers container and not having completed will fail, and will be re-tried when the container is restarted.

To gracefully shutdown the service, before stopping, you could make sure

  • There are no background jobs running.
    • If there are any running jobs and you don't want to wait, you can kill the job. The job will move to the dead tab, from where you can retry later, after restarting the service.
  • There is no Create, Update and Delete activity happening in OR2024-Hyrax

To deploy an update of the code

similar to the steps described above, to deploy an update of the code

  • Checkout the latest code from github

  • Stop the containers. To deploy an update of the code, you likely want to use

    hd down

    This will stop containers and remove

    • Containers for services defined in the Compose file
    • Networks defined in the networks section of the Compose file
    • The default network, if one is used

    Networks and volumes defined as external are not removed. Named volumes are not removed.

  • Build the system

    hd build
  • Start the containers

    hd up -d
  • Check all the containers have started and the status of the web service with the logs

    hd ps
    hd logs -f web

Setup of OR2024-Hyrax at startup

The OR2024-Hyrax web container is the main entry point of the OR2024-Hyrax application, with which users interact.

At startup, the web container runs This script does the following tasks

1. Initial checks

  • Creates the log folder if it doesn't exist
  • Checks the bundle (and installs It in development)
  • Does the database migration and setup
  • Checks Solr is running (waits 15 seconds if needed)

2. System users

OR2024-Hyrax creates system users if they don't exist

  • System administrator - the email id of the user is defined in the .env file as SYSTEM_ADMINISTRATOR

    Setting a password for the system users

    The system users are created with a random password. If you need to login as these users, you need to change the password from the rails console (once the web container is up and running)

    docker exec -it or2024-hyrax-web-1 /bin/bash
    rails c
    u = User.find_by(email: ENV['SYSTEM_ADMINISTRATOR'])
    u.password = <some password>

3. Loads workflows, create default admin sets and collection types

  • Loads the default workflows
  • Creates the default collection types and admin sets (Hyrax administrative task)
  • Setup the participants, visibility and workflow for each admin set

Creates users defined in the file hyrax/seed/setup.json, if they haven't already been created.

4. Create users during start-up from setup.json

OR2024-Hyrax uses the file hyrax/seed/setup.json to create a set of users during first startup, if the file exists.

If you would like to create users during startup,

  • Copy the file in hyrax/seed/setup.json.template to hyrax/seed/setup.json

  • Modify hyrax/seed/setup.json so it has the list of users to create / update.

Note: The file hyrax/seed/setup.json needs to exist before running docker build, for users to be created at start-up.

5. Starts the rails server

Some example docker commands and usage:

Docker cheat sheet

# Bring the whole application up to run in the background, building the containers
hd up -d --build

# Stop the container
hd stop

# Halt the system
hd down

# Re-create the web container without affecting the rest of the system (and run in the background with -d)
hd up -d --build --no-deps --force-recreate web

# View the logs for the web application container
hd logs web

# Create a log dump file
hd logs web | tee web_logs_`date --iso-8601`
# (writes to e.g. web_logs_2022-02-14)

# View all running containers
hd ps     

# Using its container name, you can run a shell in a container to view or make changes directly
docker exec -it or2024-Hyrax-web-1 /bin/bash


There is docker documentation advising how to back up volumes and their data. Docker suggests mounting the volumes in a container, creating a tar of the contents of the volume in a backup location and restoring them.

It is also possible to stop the containers, copy all of the named volumes in /var/lib/docker/volumes and start the containers. To use the backup, copy the volumes back into /var/lib/docker/volumes.