
A simple wrapper around the ORCID.org API.

Primary LanguagePython

A simple Python wrapper around the ORCID.org API.


Here's a quick snippet to get info on John Wilbanks.

>>> import orcid
>>> #retrieve john's profile from his ORCID
>>> john = orcid.get('0000-0002-4510-0385')
>>> print john.family_name

What if you'd like to see an author's works or areas of interest?

>>> print john.keywords
>>> print john.publications

Hm, let's try another author.

>>> alfonso = orcid.get('0000-0001-8855-5569')
>>> print alfonso.keywords
[u'computer science', u' bioinformatics', u' computational biology']
>>> print alfonso.publications[0]
<Publication "A note about norbert wiener and his contribution to harmonic analysis and tauberian theorems">

Maybe you'd like to read about Mr. Wiener's contributions?

>>> print alfonso.publications[0].url


If you'd rather search for authors, try ORCID's search functionality

>>> #do a simple author search for john
>>> authors = orcid.search('john wilbanks')
>>> print next(authors).family_name

You can also accomplish more complex queries using Q objects and fields

>>> from orcid import Q
>>> authors = orcid.search(Q('given-name','john') & Q('family-name', 'wilbanks'))
>>> print next(authors).family_name
