
UniBoard project

Primary LanguagePython



This repo contains submodules, so when you check this code out you will also need to run:

git submodule init
git submidule update

Then run

pip install -r requirements.txt

(Make sure you've activated your virtualenv if you're using one - you should really be.)

It also relies on the Google Map API, so in order to view the maps you will need a Google API key:


and you will need to add a file at the root of the application (same directory as this README) called app.cfg with the content:


Data Models

Account Data Model

    "id" : "<opaque id for the user>",
    "email" : "<institutional email address>",
    "name" : "<user's full name>",
    "degree" : "<degree name>",
    "postcode" : "<uk postcode>",
    "loc" : {
        "lat" : <latitude>,
        "lon" : <longitude>
    "phone" : "<user's preferred phone number>",
    "graduation" : <year of graduation>,
    "password" : "<hashed password>",
    "admin" : {
        "deleted" : True/False,
        "banned" : True/False
    "role" : ["<user role>"],
    "reset_token" : "<password reset token>",
    "reset_expires" : "<password reset token expiration timestamp>",
    "activation_token" : "<account activation token>",
    "activation_expires" : "<account activation token expiration timestamp>",
    "created_date" : "<date account was created>",
    "last_updated" : "<date account was last modified>"
  • We are not breaking down the name into first/last, as this can just become a hassle to manage
  • The "loc" field will be a geopoint in the ES index, which will allow us to do geo-location, distance searching, etc
  • "graduation" should be a 4 digit year as a number

Advert (Seller) Data Model

    "id" : "<opaque identifier for the advert>",
    "owner" : "<user who created the ad>",
    "category" : "<Book or something else>",
    "isbn" : ["<isbn-10>", "<isbn-13>"],
    "title" : "<book title>",
    "description" : "<description of the object for sale>",
    "edition" : "<edition of book>",
    "authors" : "<authors>",
    "year" : <year of publication>,
    "publisher" : "<publisher of book>",
    "image_id" : "<id of book image in image library>",
    "subject" : ["<subject classification>"],
    "condition" : "<condition of the book>",
    "loc" : {
        "lat" : <latitude>,
        "lon" : <longitude>
    "spot" : "<location of sale>"
    "keywords" : ["<keyword>"],
    "price" : <price in GBP>,
    "admin" : {
        "deleted" : True/False,
        "deactivated" : True/False,
        "expires" : "<date the advert expires>",
        "abuse" : <number of times abuse reported>
    "created_date" : "<date advert was created>",
    "last_updated" : "<date advert was last modified>",
  • we make space for multiple isbns in case there's a need for both isbn10 and isbn13 numbers.
  • "authors" is free-text, because this is not a bibliographic service - users will just want to put a string in
  • "year" should be a 4 digit year as a number
  • "image_id" will be some opaque id for an object in the image directory
  • The "loc" field will be a geopoint in the ES index, which will allow us to do geo-location, distance searching, etc
  • "price" should be a float
  • "abuse" should be an int, which indicates the number of times this advert has been flagged
  • "deactivated" is a boolean which indicates whether the advert has been (temporarily or permanently) removed from sale
  • "deleted" is a boolean which indicates that the admin has (permanently) removed the item from sale


Create/Edit an Advert

accessible by: user

POST /advert
[advert object]

Send an advert object which complies with the above Data Model. If the record contains an id, it will overwrite any existing advert, otherwise a new one will be created.

The record should omit the following fields, as they will be ignored: * admin * created_date * last_updated

Returns 201 or 200 (depending on created/edited), and body content

    "action" : "<created/edited>",
    "id" : "<id of advert created/edited>",
    "loc" : "<url for advert if it has been made public>"

Create/Edit can go ahead if:

  • user is authenticated
  • user has role "create_advert"

Delete an Advert

accessible by: admin, user (if they are the owner)

DELETE /advert/<advert_id>


POST /advert/<advert_id>
{"delete" : True}

Send a delete request to the advert with the specified id. This will cause the advert to be soft-deleted.

Returns a 204

Delete can go ahead if

  • user is authenticated
  • user is admin or user is owner of advert
  • user has "delete_advert" role

Report Abuse

accessible by: user

POST /advert/<advert_id>/abuse

Send an abuse notification regarding the advert with the specified id. This will cause the advert's abuse counter to climb by one.

Returns a 204

Report abuse can go ahead if

  • user is authenticated
  • user has "report_abuse" role


The institutional emails are checked against a JSON file. The same file is used for mapping university domains to university addresses.