
Classroom exercise for learning the basics of npm

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Work in groups of 2 and follow the instructions below step by step and make sure to write down answers to any questions marked with a 🐫. Write down your answers inside this README.md file. These questions will be discussed during class.

In this lab we will learn:

  • Reading and implementing basic requirements
  • Using an npm package and independently reading it's api docs and finding apropriate functions to use
  • Publishing a package to npm
  • The difference between es6 modules and "old" javascript packages on npm
  • Using npm packages locally with npm link

Time period helper

You are tasked with building a utility library with time and date related helper functions to be published to npm. The folder date-and-time-helpers contains the skeleton for the utility library. The reddays folder contains a react application that should use the date-and-time-helpers library.

1. Fork

One group member forks this repo with your github account and adds your group member as a collaborator. Both members then clone your fork to your local machines.

2. Get familiar

Look inside the reddays folder and run npm install and npm start inside to see how the app looks like in the browser. Try selecting a couple of different dates and see how the app is behaving.

3. Code the timeHelper function

Go to the date-and-time-helpers folder and look at the src/timeHelper.mjs file. Your first task is to code this function while making sure to fulfill the following requirements:

  • The function should take 2 arguments, startDate and endDate that are strings eg. "2021-08-01" and "2021-08-31"

  • You need to use the day.js library.

    • Install it with npm
    • Have a look in its docs to try to find a couple of good functions to help with implementing the requirements below.
  • The function should return a "nice" string of text representing the time period that stretches between the two dates like the following:

    • A full month should be represented as the name of the month followed by the year, eg. startDate=2021-08-01, endDate=2021-08-31 should return "August"
    • A full year should be represented as the year itself, eg. startDate=2021-01-01, endDate=2021-01-01 should return "2021"
    • All other periods should return "No valid period"
  • Start with added the following to the beginning of timeHelper.mjs:

      import dayjs from 'dayjs'
      import 'dayjs/locale/en-gb.js'
      dayjs.locale('en-gb') // en-gb starts week on monday, en does not
      const yyyymmdd = 'YYYY-MM-DD' // useful for simple .format(yyyymmdd)

Tip: A simple way of temporarily testing your function in timeHelper.mjs could be to run the following line in your terminal:

node timeHelper.mjs
// ...but in order for that to work you'd have to add some code to timeHelper.mjs such as:
const timeHelper = ({startDate, endDate}) => {
	return 'November'
// Added lines:
console.log(timeHelper({startDate: '2021-08-01', endDate: '2021-08-31'}), ' == August')
console.log(timeHelper({startDate: '2021-05-01', endDate: '2021-05-31'}), ' == May')
console.log(timeHelper({startDate: '2021-01-01', endDate: '2021-12-31'}), ' == 2021')
console.log(timeHelper({startDate: '2018-01-01', endDate: '2018-12-31'}), ' == 2018')
console.log(timeHelper({startDate: '2021-01-05', endDate: '2021-03-15'}), ' == No valid period')

// console.log('\n--------------\nHarder requirements ("extras"):')
// console.log(timeHelper({startDate: '2019-11-01', endDate: '2019-11-30'}), ' == November 2019')
// console.log(timeHelper({startDate: '2018-08-01', endDate: '2018-08-31'}), ' == August 2018')
// console.log(timeHelper({startDate: '2021-07-05', endDate: '2021-08-20'}), ' == 5 Jul - 20 Aug')
// console.log(timeHelper({startDate: '2021-01-01', endDate: '2021-05-30'}), ' == 1 Jan - 30 May')
// console.log(timeHelper({startDate: '2019-11-10', endDate: '2019-11-29'}), ' == 10 Nov 2019 - 29 Nov 2019')
// console.log(timeHelper({startDate: '2021-10-18', endDate: '2021-10-24'}), ' == W42')

🐫 Question 1: can you think of any other (better) way of testing your utility function while developing it?

4. Publish to npm

When you've finished your function publish it to npm.

  • In your terminal, check who you're logged in as in npm npm whoami
  • If you're not logged in, follow these instructions to create an npm account and login to npm from your terminal.
  • Run npm publish inside the date-and-time-helpers folder

🐫 Question 2: Do you need to have commited your code to repo before publishing to npm?

🐫 Question 3: what error message do you get and how do you solve it?

  • After you figure our what's wrong and fixed it, run npm publish again

🐫 Question 4: what error message do you get this time and how do you solve it?

  • After you figure our what's wrong and fixed it, run npm publish again. The publish should work and you should get an output similar to the one below. If you don't, ask the teacher or a classmate for help.
npm notice 
npm notice 📦  date-and-time-helpers2@0.0.1
npm notice === Tarball Contents === 
npm notice 1.1kB LICENSE          
npm notice 511B  README.md        
npm notice 38B   babel.config.json
npm notice 289B  lib/timeHelper.mjs
npm notice 576B  package.json     
npm notice 68B   src/timeHelper.mjs
npm notice === Tarball Details === 
npm notice name:          date-and-time-helpers2                  
npm notice version:       0.0.1                                   
npm notice filename:      date-and-time-helpers2-0.0.1.tgz        
npm notice package size:  1.7 kB                                  
npm notice unpacked size: 2.6 kB                                  
npm notice shasum:        0732...cb968f77bfa
npm notice integrity:     sha512-xR3NBD0azMhdl[...]R39FleMBk+x+A==
npm notice total files:   6                                       
npm notice 
+ date-and-time-helpers@0.0.1

🐫 Question 5: How many dependencies and what different kind of dependencies can you see for your package on npm?

5. Use your newly published package

  • In your terminal, go to the reddays folder and install your newly published package with npm
  • In App.js create a new react component that uses your newly published timeHelper function where it says: {/* Component goes here */}

🐫 Question 6: can you use your timeHelper function defined in timeHelper.mjs directly by import timeHelper from 'date-and-time-helpers'? Is something more needed?

  • Make sure your component "passes" all the tests by manually clicking on the blue TestLinks in your browser and make sure your component is showing the expected output.

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You've made it to check point 1! We'll go through the assignment so far shortly. Go ahead and do the extra 6. below while you wait for your classmates to reach here too.

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6. Extra

The requirement of your function in timeHelper.mjs has gotten tougher (use red test links in browser to test these):

  • A full month in the current year should be represented as the name of the month, eg. startDate=2021-08-01, endDate=2021-08-31 should return "August"
  • A full month in the any other year should be represented as the name of the month and that year, eg. startDate=2018-08-01, endDate=2018-08-31 should return "August 2018"
  • A full week in the current year should be represented as a "W" and the number of the week, eg. startDate=2021-10-18, endDate=2021-10-24 should return "W42"
  • Any other time period in the current year should return both dates in a "nice" string like so: "20 aug - 31 dec"
  • Any other time period outside the current year should return both dates in a "nice" string like so: "20 aug 2018 - 31 dec 2019"

Time period helper continued

Now let's continue to use and work with your npm library.

1. Commonjs

  • In your terminal, open the commonjs folder
  • Install your npm package
  • Run npm start

🐫 Question 1: What error are you getting? What do you think the problem is?

2. Build for commonjs

  • In your terminal, open date-and-time-helpers and run npm run build

🐫 Question 2: What happened?

  • Republish your npm package
  • In your terminal, go back to commonjs and reinstall your package and make sure you get the new version
  • run npm start again

🐫 Question 3: Why did it work this time?

  • In date-and-time-helpers, examine package.json and specifically the scripts section.

🐫 Question 3: What does "clean", "build", "dist", "pub" do and how do you imaging they can be used in an everyday work flow?

  • Try bumping the version number in date-and-time-helpers/package.json and run npm run pub

🐫 Question 4: What do you think happened from looking at the output in the terminal?

3. Work locally

It's not a very nice workflow having to republish new versions of your package every time you want to change something and use it in reddays.

  • Read about npm link
  • Get npm link to work for you and implement the updated requirements below without having to republish your package

The requirement of your function in timeHelper.mjs has gotten tougher: (NOTE: If you already did this as extra above, continue to the next step)

Start by uncommenting the Harder requirements in timeHelper.js.

  • A full month in the current year should be represented as the name of the month, eg. startDate=2021-08-01, endDate=2021-08-31 should return "August"

  • A full month in the any other year should be represented as the name of the month and that year, eg. startDate=2018-08-01, endDate=2018-08-31 should return "August 2018"

  • After you've implemented the features above, click red links to test that it works in the browser for reddays

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You've made it to check point 2! We'll go through the assignment so far shortly. Go ahead and do the extra 4. below while you wait for your classmates to reach here too.

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4. Extra

  • If you havent done them before, continue implementing these harder requirements

    • A full week in the current year should be represented as a "W" and the number of the week, eg. startDate=2021-10-18, endDate=2021-10-24 should return "W42"
    • Any other time period in the current year should return both dates in a "nice" string like so: "20 aug - 31 dec"
    • Any other time period outside the current year should return both dates in a "nice" string like so: "20 aug 2018 - 31 dec 2019"
  • In App.js you'll find <div className="day-list"></div>

  • Inside that div, list out all the days residing in src/reddays.js by using the RedDay component

  • Make sure to filter out and show only the red days between the two selected dates startDate and endDate.


This will not be part of a hand-in so if you want you can delete your npm package and your fork of this repo if you want.

🐫🐫🐫🐫🐫🐫🐫 Good job!!! 🐫🐫🐫🐫🐫🐫🐫