
Improved data processing for Fabric and Minecraft 1.14+

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


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Improved data processing

This mod is open source and under a permissive license. As such, it can be included in any modpack on any platform without prior permission. We appreciate hearing about people using our mods, but you do not need to ask to use them. See the LICENSE file for more details.

LibCapableData, or LibCD, is a suite of hooks to make data packs easier for both mod and pack developers. Conditions allow for conditional loading of data pack elements, and Tweakers allow programmatic adding and modifying of recipes, loot tables, and more. SEE COMMENT BELOW


Conditions are a framework for data-driven conditional loading of data pack elements. They're added with a .mcmeta system like resource pack metadata is. Tags are also given a libcd block for conditional entries outside of all-or-nothing loading.

What happened to LibCD?

Long story short, drama happened. Tweakers caused a lot of drama, and when someone who had been causing me grief for a while said that libcd was obsolete due to their new mod, I agreed. LibCD is now primary geared towards developers, and pared down massively in scale. It become actively damaging to my health to continue maintaining it in the state it was in. There will be a successor to tweakers, but it will be pared back as well. I have plans for what I'd like to see out of its new iteration.