
Wifi Energy Smartmeter (PZEM-004) send values on MQTT broker

Primary LanguageC++


  • PZEM : Read Power Consumption (OR Production) - sample rate : 2s

  • Data sent to your Domoticz Box, raspberry, PC... using a local MQTT Broker

         -> data are synchronized on PZEM sample rate or DomoticzPubTimer (let see AP Webserver)
  • Publish power and voltage on Domotics/MQTT → 'domoticz/in' topic

  • Publish all PZEM values on MQTT → 'Pzem topic'

  • Display Power/Voltage/Hz on mini screen

  • Accuracy : ~1 % (compared to ENEDIS/Linky Webservice) - measure using Integral on Grafana (instead of Domoticz reports)

  • Wired inside Rail-DIN box

photo photo

  • Wifi Access Point WebServer and set custom parameters

  • WebOTA : On The Air firmware update

     URL : http://<pzem_ip>:8080/update
     <pzem_ip> : this ip is published in the bootstrap Mqtt message ( topic : _pzem_topic_)


Hardware requirements: ~15 €

  • PZEM Model : PZEM004T-100A v3.0 (or old v2.0)

    • PZEM-004T-v30
  • ESP Board : Wemos d1 mini (CH341 uart), esp8266

    • SoftSerial Method used on D5 D6
    • When choosing GPIO pins to use, it's best to avoid GPIO 0, 2 and 15 (D3, D4, D8)
  • Oled Shield 64x48

    • I2C wired on D1-SCL D2-SDA
  • AC-DC 5V 700mA-Small

  • Plc RailDin Box ~8x37x59mm

Wiring :

Esp8266 PZEM004T-100A
Vcc-5V ------- 5V (1) 230v-N
D5(TX) --->--- RX (2) 230v-L
D6(RX) ---<--- TX (3) Coil
GND ------- GND (4) Coil






Domoticz settings

In domoticz you will have to activate the MQTT protocol and install (mosquitto) MQTT server on your home automation box. (raspberry or PC ...). The power measurement (W) must then be associated with a virtual sensor

  • Type of sensor: Electric (instantaneous + counter)
  • Energy Read: * computed *
  • → Let remember the idx of this new device, it will be informed trougth the Access Point Wifi Manager


Here are different 'On_message' MQTT commands :

Topic :

pzem_topic / pzem_id / cmd
Command Action
bs will send an Mqtt bootstrap message
reboot will reboot the device
ap will start AccessPoint Settings
reset will reset Energy Counter (only PZEM v3)


some Linux distrib (Ubuntu 20.x) failed on connect Uart CH340/1 while flashing ESP8266

 →  "Timed out waiting for packet header"

fixed in kernels 5.13.14 and maybe upper (https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v5.x/ChangeLog-5.13.14)

Todo :