
Listen for gaze events from common eye tracking libraries

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Gaze-linger is a node module created to support the CoughDrop Electron app, but it should work in other node settings as well. Basically Gaze-linger listens for eye gaze events from the eye-tracking libraries that we have also built modules for. When events come in, it averages them out and uses them to create "linger" events, which are slices of time where the eye lingers momentarily (say, 200ms) on the same point. These events can be passed to a listener for more handling.

Gaze-linger also comes with a listener script electron-listener.js which can be run within the app window in an Electron app. This listener script resolves any differences in screen ratio between the native client and the browser, finds the element underneath the linger, and triggers a gazelinger event.

Installation and Usage

# install gazelinger
npm install https://github.com/coughdrop/gazelinger.git

# install any compatible eye tracking libraries you want to use
npm install https://github.com/coughdrop/eyex.git
npm install https://github.com/coughdrop/eyetribe.git
var gazelinger = require('gazelinger');

gazelinger.listen(function(data) {


Technical Notes

Without any of the related eye tracking libraries (coughdrop/eyex, coughdrop/eyetribe, etc.) this won't do much since it doesn't do anything on its own. When a supported eye tracker library is installed and an eye tracker is present, gazelinger polls for eye events and returns them to the specified callback.

Averaging algorithm

  • Sample every 50ms
  • Prune any samples more than 200ms in the past
  • Compute the median of the remaining samples
  • Remove any samples more than 50px away from the median
  • If there are no gaps larger then 50ms between the remaining samples, consider it a valid linger

Handling linger visualizations

You're probably going to want some kind of visualization to appear on-screen identifying where the current linger event is occurring. However, since electron-listener is triggering events, it's very likely that the on-screen linger icon will be on top of the actual DOM element that should be triggered. If you give your linger icon the id of linger then it will be properly ignored.

var listener = require('electron-listener'); // run in electron browser process

listener.listen('noisy'); // default is 'noisy', also accepts 'averaged'


// this element will automagically be ignored when triggering linger events
var linger = document.getElementById('linger');
document.addEventListener('gazelinger', function(event) {
  var elem = event.target;
  var width = $(elem).width();
  var height = $(elem).height();
  elem.style.left = (event.clientX - (width / 2)) + 'px';
  elem.style.top = (event.clientY - (height / 2)) + 'px';

Keep in mind that electron-listener assumes it's run in the window process with jQuery included and that gazelinger has been required in the main process with code similar to this:

var gazelinger = require('gazelinger');
const ipcMain = require('electron').ipcMain;
var sender = null;

ipcMain.on('eye-gaze-subscribe', function(event, args) {
  sender = event.sender;
  gazelinger.listen(function(data, args[0]) {
    if(sender) {
      sender.send('eye-gaze-data', JSON.stringify(data));

ipcMain.on('eye-gaze-unsubscribe', function(event, args) {
  sender = null;


The Eyegaze Edge library does not account for pixel density ratios. I haven't found a clean way to correct for this other than to check for it client-side. So when you get a message back from gazelinger, make sure to check the scaled attribute. If it's explicitly set to false then the coordinates will not match the coordinates from other libraries unless you multiple by window.devicePixelRatio.
