Hangman for Epicodus

by Daniel Toader

Date: March 10, 2015 (last update: April 26, 2015)


Game of hangman. Computer randomly selects a word from a set list and the user guesses the letters that make up the word. Six wrong guesses and it's game over.

Setup instructions

  1. Clone this git repository
  2. Set your localhost root folder to ~/hangman/web/
  3. Ensure PHP server is running.
  4. Start the web app by pointing your browser to the root (http://localhost:8000/)

Copyright © 2015, Daniel Toader

License: MIT

Technologies used

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Bootstrap ver 3.3.1
  • PHP (tested to run on PHP ver 5.6.6)
  • jQuery ver 2.1.3
  • Silex ver 1.2.3
  • Twig ver 1.18.0