
DEPRECATED. Download and stitch videos from the Kaltura platform hosted at UBC

Primary LanguagePython


ffmpeg is a more robust video stream downloader. To download the video, one simply needs to identify the .m3u8 playlist file and call

ffmpeg -i <url> -c copy <output>

UBC Kultura Downloader

UBC Kultura Downloader is a script that, given the URL video stream segment served by Kultura hosted on UBC, can get all the pieces to the video, download them, and stitch them together to a full-length video.

This is a very rudimentary script for a specific use case. I anticipate it may work with other Kultura-based streams if the video is served publicly.


  • Python 3
  • requests package
    • Do pip install -r requirements.txt or pip install requests


The script requires a video stream segment. For example, a URL of the form https://streaming.video.ubc.ca/ ........ a6rb/name/a.mp4/seg-x-v1-a1.ts wherex is any valid segment number. You may obtain such URL by playing the video in a browser, opening up the inpect element tool, and finding the requests made by the browser. In Chrome this is under the Network tab.

Then simply execute python3 kaltura_dl.py -url <your-url> -output <filename>

It may be wise to place the URL and filename in quotations if you get any errors.


You may replace the base segment file name to obtain other outputs:

  • seg-x-v2-a1.ts - Audio only
  • seg-x-v1-a2.ts - Video only

Outputs will still be containered.