
A yt-dlp Guide - Instructions for Windows

yt-dlp Guide

A yt-dlp Guide - Instructions for Windows


  1. Download > yt-dlp
  2. Download > ffmpeg
  3. Create a folder somewhere easily accessible, you will navigate to this folder each time you want to use yt-dlp
  4. Put the 2 downloaded files in that folder
    • Open "ffmpeg-master-latest-win64-gpl.zip" and extract "ffmpeg.exe" and "ffprobe.exe" into your chosen folder (they are in the "bin" folder)
    • You should now have "yt-dlp.exe", "ffmpeg.exe" and "ffprobe.exe" in your chosen folder
  5. Download a video
    • In the address bar of your chosen folder type cmd and press enter
    • Then in the terminal window that opens, type "yt-dlp "URL"" replacing URL with the link u want to download
    • Wait for your video to finish downloading
    • It will download into your chosen folder
  6. Look at the following visual example if you don't understand something:


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