
Conev-sync is a synchronous version of conev. You can save, manage and use configuration through it.



npm install conev-sync


Get ConfigBuilder from conev-sync and one or more Sources to use. In this example, the built-in JsonSource is used.

import { ConfigBuilder, JsonSource } from 'conev-sync';

Then, create Sources and set up.

const jsonSource = new JsonSource();

    .set('basic', basic) //basic is JSON
    .set('dev', dev) //dev is JSON
    .set('prd', prd); //prd is JSON

Create ConfigBuilder and add Environment, Source.

const builder = new ConfigBuilder();

    .addEnv('dev', 'basic')

Build configuration.

const config =; // This is the result of combining dev and basic.

Use configuration.

config.get(); // The whole configuration created comes out
config.get('a.b.c'); // Is same as config.get().a.b.c

Each of Environments and Sources are merged by deepmerge.(What is added first has high priority) You can set deepmerge options as follow :



class ConfigBuilder {
    addSource(...sources: Source[]): ConfigBuilder;
    addEnv(...envs: string[]): ConfigBuilder;
    setOptions(options?: Options): ConfigBuilder;
    build(): Config;

ConfigBuilder takes a configuration from the source and creates a new configuration according to the environment. Env and Source have priority. If priority is not defined, highest priority is added first.


class Config {
    constructor(sources: Source[], envs: string[], options?: Options);
    sync(): Config;
    get(key = ''): unknown | undefined;

config is a container for configuration. config is provided by creating a new configuration from the configuration and environment obtained from source.


interface Source {
    export(): Map<string, Record<string, unknown>>;

Source defines the source from which to get the configuration. Map is returned as the result value of export. The key of this map is environment and the value is the configuration when environment.

You can make custom Source and use that.


class Sources implements Source {
    constructor(sources: Source[], options?: Options);
    add(source: Source, priority = -1): Sources;
    export(): Map<string, Record<string, unknown>>;

Sources defines the source by merging several sources. Use add to add source for new source. Map is returned as the result value of export. The key of this map is environment and the value is the configuration when environment.


export default class JsonSource {
    set(env: string, json: Record<string, unknown>): JsonSource;
    export(): Map<string, Record<string, unknown>>;

JsonSource defines the source from JSON. Use set to add a configuration for a new environment. Map is returned as the result value of export. The key of this map is environment and the value is the configuration when environment.

