Cloud-Enabled Mobile Sensing


Students enrolled in ECEN 489-501 and ECEN 689-605 will be using this GitHub repository as the primary remote repository for source code management (SCM).


The goal of this multidisciplinary project-based laboratory course is to provide instruction on system-level integration and design through a range of hands-on activities that complement the traditional classroom experience. This includes the Android prototyping platform, Eclipse, Java, Git, SQL and cloud services. The focus is on modular application development, algorithms, information management, storage and data visualization. In addition, emphasis is put on team work, presentation skills, time management, creativity and innovation.


  1. Enhance engineering education by facilitating learning through engineering projects.
  2. Review basics of project development, programming concepts, the fundamentals of system design.
  3. Foster leadership and team work, with division of labor, complementary tasks, discussion and integration.
  4. Develop the ability to bridge theoretical concepts and practical tasks.
  5. Master elements of experiential learning: abstract conceptualization, active experimentation, concrete experience, reflective observation.
  6. Improve transferable engineering skills and the ability to integrate different concepts.
  7. Develop confidence and leadership.
  8. Promote creativity and critical thinking.
  9. Refine presentation skills and the ability to conduct and manage projects.