Courseography is a tool created by David Liu and Ian Stewart-Binks to guide students through their undergraduate careers.
- abduld
- Adjective-Object@Microsoft
- alexbaluta
- anazarkin1Toronto, Canada
- AndyTQUniversity of Toronto
- angusshireUC Berkeley
- aretardedgenius
- atheed@amzn
- christinemToronto
- disconcision@hazelgrove @fplab
- elliottsj@cohere-ai
- evanklein1
- felipevh
- FranktianUniversity of Toronto
- g3chenchVancouver, BC
- g3ngoric
- hermishChicago, IL
- Ian-Stewart-BinksNew York City
- ishanthukralNew York, NY
- justinpark715
- kashavToronto, Canada
- MatejLachForgeRock
- metal-gogo@homeday-de
- munrocapeToronto, Ontario, Canada
- PkHutch
- pkukulakUniversity of Toronto
- qasimToronto, Canada
- qiongsiwuApple
- raypengFacebook
- robatronPrime
- sdshinghal
- siddarthc
- theresama@yelp
- vince2678Canada
- yanrs17Toronto
- zhongjefSnowflake