Hygieia SCM Subversion Collector

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Configure the Subversion Collector to display and monitor information (related to code contribution activities) on the Hygieia Dashboard, from the Subversion repository. Hygieia uses Spring Boot to package the collector as an executable JAR file with dependencies.

Setup Instructions

To configure the Subversion Collector, execute the following steps:

  • Step 1: Change Directory

Change the current working directory to the subversion directory of your Hygieia source code installation.

For example, in the Windows command prompt, run the following command:

cd C:\Users\[username]\hygieia\collectors\scm\subversion
  • Step 2: Run Maven Build

Run the maven build to package the collector into an executable jar file:

 mvn install

The output file subversion-collector.jar is generated in the subversion\target folder.

  • Step 3: Set Parameters in Application Properties File

Set the configurable parameters in the application.properties file to connect to the Dashboard MongoDB database instance, including properties required by the Subversion Collector.

For information about sourcing the application properties file, refer to the Spring Boot Documentation.

To configure parameters for the Subversion Collector, refer to the sample application.properties file.

  • Step 4: Deploy the Executable File

To deploy the subversion-collector.jar file, change directory to subversion\target, and then execute the following from the command prompt:

java -jar subversion-collector.jar --spring.config.name=subversion --spring.config.location=[path to application.properties file]

Sample Application Properties File

The sample application.properties file lists parameter values to configure the Subversion Collector. Set the parameters based on your environment setup.

		# Database Name

		# Database HostName - default is localhost

		# Database Port - default is 27017

		# MongoDB replicaset
		dbreplicaset=[false if you are not using MongoDB replicaset]

		# Database Username - default is blank

		# Database Password - default is blank

		# Logging File location

		# Collector schedule (required)
		subversion.cron=0 0/5 * * * *

		# Shared subversion username and password

		# Maximum number of previous days from current date, when fetching commits


Before making any contribvutions, we suggest that you read the CONTRIBUTING.md and the Development Docs (housed in ./src/docs/README.md). But for the most part, running:

mvn clean test install site

will test and generate the project metrics (navigable from the locally built ./target/site/index.html -- see "Project Reports" in the left nav for all of the available reports). We generally want these reports to look good.