Please see: for detail instruction on how to update and publish woodstock jars. * To build: SET the ENV property ANT_OPTS with HTTP Proxy and HTTP Port export ANT_OPTS="-Dhttp.proxyHost=<HTTP_PROXY_VALUE> -Dhttp.proxyPort=<HTTP_PORT_VALUE>" cd master; ant clean; ant; The jars will be available at master/build/ship/lib directory. * BEFORE Running build-bundles to create the webui-jsf-bundle.jar and webui-jsf-suntheme-bundle.jar for pushing using Nexus UI, do the following: * Remember to change the version #'s in master/ **AND** build-bundles * Remember to update the doc/release-notes.html file * Remember to tag the release!!! (eg. "svn copy") * Remember to document any process changes!!! * You MUST use Maven 2.x. Maven 3 will not work. Troubleshooting: * mvn may not work... 1) Try making sure your mvn version (esp. on Ubuntu) is current. 2) Try (re)moving your ~/.subversion directory 3) Make sure you have a valid ~/ file with your username / password: vim ~/ userName=yourJavaNetLogin password=yourPassword //save the file and apply permission 600 to restrict the access: chmod 600 ~/ 4) If all else fails, ask for help!